Caramel in their teeth

Last Christmas we received a caramel apple making kit. It included sticks, caramel, sprinkles and nuts. Seeing as we visited an apple farm last week, we thought it might be fitting to use the kit on our hand picked apples!

Calli thought it was great fun! She wanted to eat the caramel right away, and was not too happy about being told she would be allowed to eat the apple after lunch the following day. Needless to say, she ate all her lunch and enjoyed her caramel apple.

Marin is a great explorer. She gets into EVERYTHING. I know I've said it before, but there are things we never had to worry about with Calli, and Marin is the ABSOLUTE opposite of Calli. She has now learned to open cabinets by herself and is often found sorting through the lotions etc underneath the bathroom sink. We finally had the last piece of carpet installed this week, so I thought it was a great time to trade the lotions etc., for the towels in the hall closet. This way all I have to worry about is re-folding all my towels.
Unfortunately, Marin can still get into the drawers in the bathroom cabinet. There is nothing dangerous in the 2 that she can reach, but she came out with Adam's electric toothbrush yesterday and proceeded to brush everyones teeth for them. I passed... Calli couldn't stop laughing.

Adam partook in the fun as well.

Drawer locks are to be installed next...
Marin and Calli are going to have such great memories of all the little things that you do together as a family. Jan and I both commented on how well you parent.
Thanks for all the great ideas, I'll be taking mental notes for later....(much later.....)
Very cute, makes me realise what I missed not having a Dad from the age of 3 at home. It's always the little things that seem to stay as big wonderful memories.
I think I better start moving things to higher shelves and get the tupperware into lower ones, do a little child proofing for the "big" visit coming up!!!
I am soooooooooooo excited!
Gotta love child locks, until they figure those out too! Good luck with your explorer.