Dum, dum, da, dum...

Seeing as this seems to be the summer of weddings for us, Calli has become obsessed with playing "Wedding." She loves to dress up in a skirt, dress or Princess/Ballet outfit with tons of accessories (including the wedding ring) and of course, her wedding veil. This veil consists of a transparent pink ballet skirt with an elastic waist band, worn as a headband type veil. Quite the combo. But cute, nevertheless.
She was playing wedding with her Barbies the other day, and I had to explain to her that sometimes girls can marry girls and boys can marry boys, after she asked if it was ok for one girl Barbie to marry another girl Barbie. Why at 3 1/2 do I have to explain this stuff??? I figure, it's not up to me to present my conclusions to her about what I might think is right or wrong. It is up to her to take in all the information etc and come up with her own ideas and opinions about the things she sees in her lifetime. This is right up there with choosing her own religion (if she decides to) and piercing her ears. No matter how cute little girls look with pierced ears, it is not my place to decide that poking holes in her ears is the right thing to do. She can decide on her own, when she is responsible enough to care for them, if she wants to go ahead and wear earrings. Perhaps she'll choose never to pierce them. At least it is her who is the one deciding!
Marin, on the other hand, is still obsessed with climbing things. Adam found her up on the entertainment center, perched behind the tv the other day. She will make her way up onto anything with height and stand there smiling proudly at her big accomplishment! She has even gone so far as to figure out she can move a footstool in front of something tall in order to climb it. She plays a funny game where she'll climb up on our loungey chairs in the living room, stand up and then fall back as hard and fast as she can, laughing hysterically at herself!! I'll get some video one of these days, so you can see what I mean. Here she is on our gorgeous orange chair, nearly worn out!!

Those are rice cake crumbs on her face. She has been quite a picky little eater, but seems to be coming around. She needs to feel her food in her own hands and inspect it before she'll try it. If she hates it, she'll casually put her hand over the side of the highchair and drop the offending object on the floor. I'm beginning to think a dog would come in handy...
