Smart Little Apples

Today Calli's Pre-school had a field trip to an apple farm!! When we arrived, we were treated to fresh apple juice and apple muffins. After a few pictures and only one small act of violence between two of the boys, (see the culprit on the right...he punched another boy in the nose and didn't apologize), we headed over to the barn to check out some of the farm animals, while we waited for our transportation to take us out to the orchard.

We saw sheep...

A HUGE pig, nicknamed "Bacon," by one of the other mothers, who was under pressure from her pre-schooler to tell him the name of the animal...

Some slightly smaller piggies...

Some chickens.....

Rabbits..... This rabbit had a sign in front of his cage that read: D-Date: Sept 26, 06. We wondered what exactly the D stands for, but were all too afraid to ask.

Some ducks.....

And some more sheep. I guess they wouldn't be short of fresh fruit for the animals!! But I wonder if the sheep get sick of eating so many apples.

We got a tractor ride out to the orchards and the kids LOVED sitting on the hay bales on the ride out.

We saw these gorgeous horses on the way by.

When we got out to the perfect apple plucking spot, the kids learned the right way to pick an apple. Apparently, the bottom of the apple is called the eye.

To pick an apple, you turn the eye to the sky and pull. We were all given an empty 5 lb bag to fill. (I thought I'd better clarify that it was empty, in case anyone felt sorry for us having to carry a 5 lb bag around.) All the kids picked their fill and snacked on an apple or two to give them extra energy. The gentleman who explained how to pick an apple told the kids they could eat some of the apples, but they weren't allowed to have one bite. After a lengthy silence, he explained they were to have a minimum of 32 bites from each apple!! Hee hee! Apple orchard humour!!

Here is our Little Rotten Apple turning the "eye to the sky" with great fervor!! (I thought her t-shirt was fitting for the day! It reads Lil Rotten Apple.)

After the bags were full, we got back on the next tractor and wagon that passed by, and headed back to our cars.

It was a fun day for all of us! The students will bring 4 apples each to school tomorrow to make some special apple dessert and do some crafts! I can hardly wait to see what my little girl brings home!
What a great school, and field trip. I am sure Calli is thriving with all that information sinking in. In regards to the rabbit, she is so cute, I sure hope D-Date means Due Date for baby rabbits!!
I am sure the day was good for the parents too, always learning something new.