Mighty Sure Tiring
Lastnight we had Richard and Erika over for supper. They treated us to Richard's version of a 7-layer dip for an appy (delicious!) and we treated them to an amazing chicken and wild mushroom stew, with smashed potatoes and asparagus. We topped off our dinner with a delectable chocolate fondue. Sometimes, we think we should open a restaurant... Come for dinner...you'll understand!!

Calli woke up REALLY early this morning and hopped into our bed, ready to watch cartoons and eat breakfast. Seeing that it was 6:15, we asked her to try and go back to sleep, considering she'd woken both of us up and her sister as well. Adam got up shortly thereafter and got ready to go to work. Calli took this as her queue to be loud and noisy...so we were awake!!
Marin and I picked up a very exhausted Calli after pre-school this afternoon. When saying goodbye to her teacher, she is normally supposed to shake hands, but today she was sort of in another world and gave her teacher a hug instead!! When we were in the car driving home, I asked her what they'd done today and she couldn't remember. She told me "During story time, I was mighty sure tired!" SO cute!! She then proceeded to tell me that one of the girls in her class is stinky and needs a bath. I asked her if she'd told this to the "stinky" girl and she said one of the other girls had! YIKES!! I told her it was really mean to say things like that to people and she assured me that she hadn't said a thing, that it was purely the other girl being rude. I sure hope she doesn't turn into one of those mean girls. You know the ones I mean.
When we arrived home, I told her she and her sister could watch a movie while I got dinner ready. She was really excited and picked a movie out, told me she wanted to watch the "crap" in the beginning (previews would be the correct term for that), and promptly fell asleep on the couch!! I let her sleep for an hour and a half, then woke the dragon up for supper. Uncle Kevin stopped in for supper on the way back to his house. He was on a full travel day within Ontario and Quebec and we loved having him over for supper!! He always teaches Calli a few french words when they're together. That will be something she'll remember for the rest of her life!!
While Calli was asleep on the couch...

...Marin got a little revenge for all the times she's been woken up lately. Here, she is making her frog toy croak in Calli's ear. She was also yelling "CALLI," about 2 inches from her face. Ok, so it didn't sound like "Calli," but it was whatever Marin calls her, in her own language.

Here is poor little Calli being tormented. At this point, the yelling and croaking frog weren't producing any lasting results, so she gave her nose a little pinch. This stirred a bit of movement from Sleeping Beauty, but not enough for Marin's satisfaction.

Therefore, she moved on to bigger and better methods by removing the barrette that was in her big sisters hair.

Unfortunately, Marin will have to work on her technique if she's ever going to get revenge. I was the one who woke Calli up in the end! And it took 6 or 7 tries.
The last bit of news is that I took Calli in for her first ever haircut yesterday. This girl has taken a long time to grow hair, so I waited as long as I could. Her hair stretches down to the middle of her back when it's wet...or yanked, as Marin could tell you. Even the hairdresser was surprised at the length. She trimmed Calli's split ends and tried to even things out a bit. There is still one patch on the back of her head, where she sleeps, that is growing slowly, so we'll get regular trims to enable the "patch" to catch up! She did very well in the salon. She wasn't so sure about wearing a cape, but soon discovered it was similar to having wings. She was flapping while the cut was going on. And, she has quite a sense of humour too!! She actually said "OUCH!!" The hairdresser stopped what she was doing and asked if she was ok, and Calli just laughed.

Such a funny girl.

Calli woke up REALLY early this morning and hopped into our bed, ready to watch cartoons and eat breakfast. Seeing that it was 6:15, we asked her to try and go back to sleep, considering she'd woken both of us up and her sister as well. Adam got up shortly thereafter and got ready to go to work. Calli took this as her queue to be loud and noisy...so we were awake!!
Marin and I picked up a very exhausted Calli after pre-school this afternoon. When saying goodbye to her teacher, she is normally supposed to shake hands, but today she was sort of in another world and gave her teacher a hug instead!! When we were in the car driving home, I asked her what they'd done today and she couldn't remember. She told me "During story time, I was mighty sure tired!" SO cute!! She then proceeded to tell me that one of the girls in her class is stinky and needs a bath. I asked her if she'd told this to the "stinky" girl and she said one of the other girls had! YIKES!! I told her it was really mean to say things like that to people and she assured me that she hadn't said a thing, that it was purely the other girl being rude. I sure hope she doesn't turn into one of those mean girls. You know the ones I mean.
When we arrived home, I told her she and her sister could watch a movie while I got dinner ready. She was really excited and picked a movie out, told me she wanted to watch the "crap" in the beginning (previews would be the correct term for that), and promptly fell asleep on the couch!! I let her sleep for an hour and a half, then woke the dragon up for supper. Uncle Kevin stopped in for supper on the way back to his house. He was on a full travel day within Ontario and Quebec and we loved having him over for supper!! He always teaches Calli a few french words when they're together. That will be something she'll remember for the rest of her life!!
While Calli was asleep on the couch...

...Marin got a little revenge for all the times she's been woken up lately. Here, she is making her frog toy croak in Calli's ear. She was also yelling "CALLI," about 2 inches from her face. Ok, so it didn't sound like "Calli," but it was whatever Marin calls her, in her own language.

Here is poor little Calli being tormented. At this point, the yelling and croaking frog weren't producing any lasting results, so she gave her nose a little pinch. This stirred a bit of movement from Sleeping Beauty, but not enough for Marin's satisfaction.

Therefore, she moved on to bigger and better methods by removing the barrette that was in her big sisters hair.

Unfortunately, Marin will have to work on her technique if she's ever going to get revenge. I was the one who woke Calli up in the end! And it took 6 or 7 tries.
The last bit of news is that I took Calli in for her first ever haircut yesterday. This girl has taken a long time to grow hair, so I waited as long as I could. Her hair stretches down to the middle of her back when it's wet...or yanked, as Marin could tell you. Even the hairdresser was surprised at the length. She trimmed Calli's split ends and tried to even things out a bit. There is still one patch on the back of her head, where she sleeps, that is growing slowly, so we'll get regular trims to enable the "patch" to catch up! She did very well in the salon. She wasn't so sure about wearing a cape, but soon discovered it was similar to having wings. She was flapping while the cut was going on. And, she has quite a sense of humour too!! She actually said "OUCH!!" The hairdresser stopped what she was doing and asked if she was ok, and Calli just laughed.

Such a funny girl.