Ottawa again....??

On Sunday, we were invited back to Ottawa for one last visit with Denise and Jan before they headed back to BC. So we procrastinated on re-organizing our house and hopped in the car for a rainy drive to Ottawa. We met up at Jan's parents house (amazing house!), where we decided we should head down to the boat club for a tour and a drink. Auntie Denise and Calli went looking for frogs in the pond, and Calli saw her first tadpole!!
On the way to Jan's parents house, Adam spotted an Elk Ranch. He'd never seen anything like it, so we stopped on the way there, then on the way to the boat club and on the way back....Oh, and we stopped again on our way back to Quebec... Here's proof...
This was the biggest bull we saw. He was accompanied by a rather large gaggle of eligible bachelorettes!!!

These ones were in a different field together. I wonder what they did wrong??!!

Jan, Denise and Adam chatting about velvet and elk antlers.

At the boat club, we sat together for a while until the rain stopped, then headed down to check out the boats. We were granted a tour of Jan's parents boat and both Marin and Calli had a chance to pretend they were the Captain! Calli thoroughly enjoyed the tour given by Uncle Jan and asked lots of questions.

Marin doing her best to act "Captainly!" She looks very serious about her job!

Calli taking on the role of Captain.

Afterwards, we headed back to the house, shared some pizza and then it was back in the car for us!! It was 8pm and the kids were ready for their sleep! They slept all the way home and didn't even wake up when we transfered them into their beds. Lucky us!!
Thank you Jan and Denise for the great visit!! Miss you!
Remember the wild turkeys? Well they showed up the next day!