Montreal or Bust!
To continue on from the last post... The day after we visited Ottawa, Denise and Jan came for a tour around Montreal! But not before we could enjoy a delicious crepe breakfast made by Jay!!! We were lucky enough to eat it outside as well!!! Lucky, because the weather has cooled off quite a bit in the last few days and we are wearing sweaters and socks in the morning when we get up!

Denise and Jan, who are getting married next summer!

We headed straight for Old Montreal, parked the cars and had lunch to give us the energy needed to walk around. We found a really neat restaurant, where we could sit inside but feel as though we were outside. There was no visible roof on this restaurant and there were fountains and plants growing all over the place!! We shared the most delicious nachos, covered in cheese and with toppings of mini dill pickles, a variety of olives and hot peppers!!
City Hall or Hotel de Ville, en francais, where we began our tour!

Marin enjoying her tour from the heights of her Dad's arms!!

After lunch, we grabbed ice cream from the Ben and Jerry's store, watched the artists drawing caricatures and then headed down to the Ports to see if there were any cool boats hanging around! We oohed and aahed at the biggest boat there, which was from Georgetown, Cayman Islands...Very fitting for Jay and Chantelle, who lived and worked there for a while until they were forced out by a Hurricane. We had a nice visit of Montreal, but next time we'll try and give our visitors more to see!! We just ran out of time...
Marin has climbed into and fallen out of this chair so many times, I can not count any more. She tends to stand on it, and it's pretty tippy! Needless to say, it is now an outside chair. I think we need to get one of the little foam chairs for her instead. She likes to sit in Calli's Max and Ruby chair before bed, while I read bedtime stories!

Calli got in lots of snuggle time and hugs and kisses with "Baby Hannah," while she was visiting. She seemed to enjoy the attention, but Calli's "moppy hair" in the morning was a bit of an issue during hugs!!

I love this photo of Hannah. I wonder what she is thinking here! I imagine she is wondering what the heck that contraption is, pushed up against my eye and making clicking sounds!

Hannah and her Daddy enjoying a little bonding time!

As you know, Calli has decided she no longer requires naps and ends up being pretty cranky in the evenings. Each time we get in the car in the afternoon to drive anywhere, she promptly falls asleep alongside her sister. She has even had a little recharge time on the couch on the occasional afternoon. The other day, she grabbed her blanket and laid down at the top of the stairs and ended up falling asleep there for an hour and a half!!

So, in conclusion, coming up with ways to get her to try having a snooze to recharge her batteries might be a good thing to do!! She is certainly more bearable in the evenings!!

Denise and Jan, who are getting married next summer!

We headed straight for Old Montreal, parked the cars and had lunch to give us the energy needed to walk around. We found a really neat restaurant, where we could sit inside but feel as though we were outside. There was no visible roof on this restaurant and there were fountains and plants growing all over the place!! We shared the most delicious nachos, covered in cheese and with toppings of mini dill pickles, a variety of olives and hot peppers!!
City Hall or Hotel de Ville, en francais, where we began our tour!

Marin enjoying her tour from the heights of her Dad's arms!!

After lunch, we grabbed ice cream from the Ben and Jerry's store, watched the artists drawing caricatures and then headed down to the Ports to see if there were any cool boats hanging around! We oohed and aahed at the biggest boat there, which was from Georgetown, Cayman Islands...Very fitting for Jay and Chantelle, who lived and worked there for a while until they were forced out by a Hurricane. We had a nice visit of Montreal, but next time we'll try and give our visitors more to see!! We just ran out of time...
Marin has climbed into and fallen out of this chair so many times, I can not count any more. She tends to stand on it, and it's pretty tippy! Needless to say, it is now an outside chair. I think we need to get one of the little foam chairs for her instead. She likes to sit in Calli's Max and Ruby chair before bed, while I read bedtime stories!

Calli got in lots of snuggle time and hugs and kisses with "Baby Hannah," while she was visiting. She seemed to enjoy the attention, but Calli's "moppy hair" in the morning was a bit of an issue during hugs!!

I love this photo of Hannah. I wonder what she is thinking here! I imagine she is wondering what the heck that contraption is, pushed up against my eye and making clicking sounds!

Hannah and her Daddy enjoying a little bonding time!

As you know, Calli has decided she no longer requires naps and ends up being pretty cranky in the evenings. Each time we get in the car in the afternoon to drive anywhere, she promptly falls asleep alongside her sister. She has even had a little recharge time on the couch on the occasional afternoon. The other day, she grabbed her blanket and laid down at the top of the stairs and ended up falling asleep there for an hour and a half!!

So, in conclusion, coming up with ways to get her to try having a snooze to recharge her batteries might be a good thing to do!! She is certainly more bearable in the evenings!!