Happy Birthday Marin!!!

My little baby turned 1 today!! I know it sounds cliche, but I really can't believe she is already ONE!!
I remember when she was born and she was SO tiny. She was smaller than Calli had been and I remember being surprised at the difference one pound can make on a baby. She had a hard time eating and she got smaller and the Nurses became concerned. They weighed her before she ate and after she ate. We tried feeding her from a cup even. Imagine...Such a tiny little soul, and she had to try drinking from a hard plastic cup. I felt terrible. Even though it wasn't my fault, I felt it was. I finally convinced the Dr to let me go home and we spent a full 2 nights at home and brought Marin back in to be weighed on Sunday morning. She HAD gained weight. I really didn't doubt that she had, but I had fears of having to spend extra time at the hospital to help my baby get better. And now...She is ONE! She is big and strong and independent and on her way to being MORE of the girl she will always be.

She has mastered going up and down the stairs now, and was up in the washroom with me while I got ready this morning. I watched her heading down the stairs and watched as she stopped and sat on the 4th stair down to inspect something there. I looked away as she was sitting nicely and swinging her feet (like she always does) and the next thing I saw was flying baby with arms and legs flailing. She fell down the rest of the 5 remaining stairs and landed at the bottom. I knew nothing was broken, because she was trying to get up. I flew down the stairs myself and grabbed her and she snuggled into my neck and cried. She only cried for about 2 minutes and then was interested in going outside to see what her Dad and sister were up to. Before I made my way out there, I took another look at her and noticed she'd banged her head pretty good. Nice Birthday present. It isn't bothering her at all, and doesn't look like it'll be anything lasting...but for me...it's another story. That's my baby....
Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the birthday girl and her newest bump. Calli is most certainly accident prone and I think Marin is a tom-boy.

Only time will tell. Maybe she'll love pink as much as Calli??!!
Hard to believe a year has past!! I still wish that the darn doctor would have delivered a day early... that's just me being selfish!!
Marin is beautiful and quite the trooper... falling down the stairs and all!
Wish we could have been there to share in the festivities!!
Miss Ya All
We sang for you and sent our love for your special day!
love J, B, S & H
Love all of us in PR.