Am I missing something?

Adam installed a cat door to our garage for Horsie today. He's so handy! I guess he left the directions on, so Horsie can figure it out without us telling her what it's for!!??
Here is something amusing. Home Depot called us this morning, asking if they could deliver our carpet to our house to store until it can be installed. Apparently, they are doing their yearly inventory and it's easier if the carpet isn't there. Hmm. So my garage is roughly 300 square feet and Home Depot is about 407,000 square feet, and they couldn't find a little space for 40 square yards of rolled up carpet to sit while they counted their inventory? Interesting.
Our moving boxes have been taking up a lot of room in our garage and I finally convinced Adam that it was time to let them go. He bit the bullet and put them out this morning for the garbage truck to haul away. (FYI: Anything over 2 feet is not allowed to be recycled...Adam asked the recycle man yesterday if he would take them...) I think I explained before that whatever you put out for garbage day is free for the taking from the general public. It's like a massive yard sale that the whole town participates in. It wasn't long after the boxes were on the curb before cars were slowing down to have a look at what we were "giving" away. Eventually, we had 2 different people approach us and ask if they could have some of the boxes. The first person only took 2 away, while the 2nd couple opened up the trunk of their SUV and filled 'er up!! I managed to capture the scavengers in action. Adam had to contain himself enough not to go and ask for money...

Our front garden is beautiful.

We have an amazing Hibiscus shrub right by our front walkway that dazzles us with it's flowers every time we pass! Today, I discovered that we aren't the only ones enjoying the Hibiscus. This little bug(ger) was filling his face with the pink petals. I caught this scavenger in action too!!! Look at the hole he created in the beautiful petal... :(

Marin was pretty tired after her swim and before lunch and passed out mid-cracker in her highchair, where she remained for nearly 2 hours!! Poor little plum.

Remember how I told you that we had to cut down the huge, leafy Siberian Elm in our front yard as it was showing it's roots in our basement and busting through the foundation of our house? Well, when I returned from Penticton the tree was gone!! Adam kept it as a surprise from me, but MAN does it ever make a difference to our yard and to the look of our house! Luckily, the garden looks nice to distract from the bareness of the house!! I suppose if you'd never seen the house with the tree, you'd never notice how different it looks now. (I'm so observant!!)


I do have a better before picture somewhere...Just don't have enough time right now to search for it, so this'll have to do!
p.s. those little criters have to eat too!!
ha ha.
Just teasing.
I love the hibiscus. That's my favourite flower! I'm on the hunt for a blue hibiscus plant!