1,000,000 pictures at the park

We visited the park in town the other day. Our plan was to go to the water park, but it was too cold and the water was actually turned off when we arrived. I guess there's always next summer.
We tried to have the girls race down the slide, but neither one was in much of a competitive mood.

Marin loved being on the swings.

It's interesting because Calli used to hate it. I wonder if it had anything to do with the amount of time she spent in the swing at home when she was a newborn. Marin didn't spend nearly the same amount of time in it that Calli did! Hmmmmm...... I hope we haven't traumatized her for life.

Calli is better on the swings now, but still asks not to go too high. But she'll turn around and climb up to the highest contraption at the park...then wonders how to get down. Just like a cat.

Adam was the spotter on the spider web, assisting with foot and hand placement.

Ta-Dah!! She made it up and down in the spider web!!

Hanging out on the monkey bars.

We had a lot of fun, but I sometimes wonder who is having more fun. Adam or our daughters... He got a little carried away on these little rocker things and fell off! I know Calli would never try and test the springs boundaries, but Marin on the other hand...she might be taking a few lessons from her adventurous father!



I especially like Adam's fall!!