Marin turns 3!!
My little baby turned 3!!! We celebrated her actual day (August 16) by eating waffles and maple syrup for breakfast. Later, we headed down to McDonalds and picked up Happy Meals for lunch and topped it all off by meeting Daddy at the German restaurant after he was done work! I am pretty sure Marin thought the day was regular, but Calli couldn't believe how much fun it was to eat so much cool stuff all day!
Because Adam came home from work late on Saturday, we chose to have a party on Sunday. Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia drove all the way from their house to help celebrate with 4 of Marin's friends (and 2 Mom's).
We were finally able to have a Pool Party!! We have truly been waiting years for this to happen and each year it's been rotten weather, so we lucked out with sun and a light breeze for the party.
Marin and Sofia cuddled together on the chaise lounger once they got out of the pool.
We then got the kids all fired up with the cake! Marin loved her cake and picked out every aspect of it by herself. When we were in the store picking out a cake, I told her that Adam's favourite was cheery chip, so she immediately chose the cherry chip one. She picked out white vanilla icing and wanted it baked in a 9x13 pan. No layered squares or circles or cupcakes. Just the 9x13 rectangle. She helped me with all the sprinkles and we added a few dancing Cinderella figurines, 3 candles and 3 sparklers.
Amazingly, Marin held it together during the singing of "Happy Birthday!!" If you recall from last year and the year before she spent both crying. There came a point during the singing where she was looking desperately for someone to be near...and the smile was gone from her face and once Adam stepped in to be by her side, she was fine. She blew out the candles and we all had cake! (Later in the day Marin said to me "I didn't even cry when the kids all sang to me, Mommy!!")
Joshua, Marin (only licking the icing off), Alexei and Calli enjoying the cake. For those that have been to our house, please notice the absence of the cube shelf between the dining and living room!!
Here are Katia, Sofia, Emma and the other kids eating cake. Sofia l-o-v-e-d the cake and was itching for more!!

Next Marin opened her lovely stack of gifts! She received so many amazing things, but I'm only going to share this one because I thought it was such a great idea. Emma picked out a newborn Fur Real puppy for Marin. Along with the puppy (which was already cut from the wires holding it in it's packaging - smart thinking), was a chew toy, a little silver food dish, a collar and a basket with a blanket inside for her little bed!! I loved having all the bits and pieces she would need in real life to care for a dog.
After all the prezzies, we headed out to the garden for some pinata action!! This giant bunny came all the way on an airplane from Guatemala with Grandma! During her trip down there this winter, she couldn't resist this bunny pinata and decided to make a go of bringing it back to Canada. The funniest part about him is that he never travelled in a cargo hold during the trip. Somehow Grandma managed to sweet talk all the agents and told everyone the story of this giant bunny coming back to Canada for her Granddaughters birthday party and they let the bunny travel on the plane.
Each participant was blind folded and handed the special pinata smashing stick (?) and was given 3 swings. Marin did a great job swinging with all her might!!
Katia was a pretty heavy hitter but was unsuccessful as well. I love this picture because you can see the indent where the stick and the bunny's side connect.
After a whole lot of trying and eventually smacking it with no blindfold, the parents inspected the bunny and realized he was made not only of Guatemalan newspapers etc, but he was lined with wire, so would need some adult intervention. Adam finally got him open and the goodies scattered to the ground. The kids filled up the goody bag puppets that they'd made themselves and we all mourned the demise of the bunny.
Here is the finished product.
The party was a smashing success. We asked Marin what her favourite part of the day was, just before bed. She told us "licking all the icing off my cake." When asked what her favourite gift was she replied, "the book." (Thanks Auntie Chelsea!) That's my girl!! Three years old!!!

We were finally able to have a Pool Party!! We have truly been waiting years for this to happen and each year it's been rotten weather, so we lucked out with sun and a light breeze for the party.
Marin and Sofia cuddled together on the chaise lounger once they got out of the pool.

Next Marin opened her lovely stack of gifts! She received so many amazing things, but I'm only going to share this one because I thought it was such a great idea. Emma picked out a newborn Fur Real puppy for Marin. Along with the puppy (which was already cut from the wires holding it in it's packaging - smart thinking), was a chew toy, a little silver food dish, a collar and a basket with a blanket inside for her little bed!! I loved having all the bits and pieces she would need in real life to care for a dog.

Wish we could have been there to help celebrate... instead we are in PR hangin' in the rain :(
Drove past your old house... memories!
Miss you
M & Company
I can't beleive that Marin is already 3, WOW, happy belated bday. She is so cute with her honesty, it reminds me of Zoe, and she is very beautiful Jen, I hope Adam has plans for a rubber room (lol) for both those babes of yours cuz the boys are gonna be hangin around in no time.
xxoo Robyn