We were delayed a few days in getting on our way to BC, but managed to get on the planes to WL with no problems. The best thing that ever happened to modern day travel is the personalized tv screens in the back of the seats on some of Air Canada's planes. Calli and Marin love being able to choose what they want to watch. They have numerous episodes of their favourite tv shows and a large selection of movies to choose from, so they end up fully entertained and occupied during the 5 hour flight.

We got settled in to my Mum's house and the girls picked through all the toys they still have at Granny's house. We set up the tent in the dining room for the girls. You can check out a picture of that on my
Mum's blog.
Marin and Harrie had a quick nap on Granny's bed.

The next evening we headed up to our friends', Todd and Theresa's house for a potluck BBQ. It was great to have almost all of our friends there for dinner and a visit. We sure miss out on how quickly everyone else's kids are growing up!

Here is Kirby and Ben and Jay with Paige and Hannah. Remember when Hannah was only 12 weeks old and she came with her parents to
visit us in Montreal? And the last time we saw Ben, he was only a month or so old when Kirby's sister married my cousin!

Marin got acquainted with Ben at the bar-b-que. She had lots to tell him.

A sweet picture of Hannah and her Mommy, Chantelle.

We met Paige when she was only a few days old and now she's 8 months old already!!!

Our friend Brandi was 9.5 months pregnant in this picture. She and her husband, Adrian, who you can see peeking out from under her belly, ended up having a sweet little boy named Rhys only 2 weeks later!

We made our way to the local park in WL for the Canada Day festivities. Calli "sure hoped" there would be face painting there. I guess she hoped hard enough and her hope came true. She chose this butterfly design.

Marin also chose a butterfly, but her face painter had a different vision.

We took the kids to one of our favourite swimming lakes near WL. Chimney Lake is lovely and warm and clear and we had a nice swim and a picnic there one afternoon.

Adam took Calli over to the reeds to look for minnows.

In the evenings my Mum, the girls and I would walk along the road of her complex to the very end of the road to look at the beautiful honeysuckle trees and for the girls to have a good run before getting ready for bed.

They loved rolling down this hill, although they ended up very itchy afterwards.

Auntie Marie came over for lunch one afternoon and we took her to the end of the road as well. On the way back we came across this lovely little bench and took a few pictures of everyone, before really getting yelled at by the owner of the bench!!!
We had a great visit with Auntie Marie who was leaving for a cross Canada trip only 2 days later with Uncle Bill!! See you in Montreal!!

Me and my Mum and the girls.

Auntie Denise, Uncle Jan and Emerson came up to visit Emerson's grand-parents in WL and they invited us out to their ranch for an afternoon visit. Auntie Denise showed the girls how to feed the horses! They had SO much fun feeding them through the fence.

This horse chatted to the girls from his field and then galloped away!

Uncle Jan took the girls for a quick spin on the quad. They giggled themselves silly!

A group of us went out for dinner one evening and Emerson was the star of the show!

He really is the cutest little thing in town!!

My Mum, the girls and I decided to head out in the country for a drive one afternoon to take a break from cleaning, organizing and sorting through 40 years of pictures, slides and video's. The wild flowers out there are amazing this year! The sides of the road are magnificent to look at and are awash with colour.

We headed out and decided to turn back to town just as we crossed this beautiful little creek. It was a perfect spot to remind me how awesome the Cariboo country is and to have the splendor of the wilderness all around us.

We invited Oma and Opa and Auntie Marie and Uncle Bill over for supper one night. I cooked up a storm and we had a really nice visit together. The girls entertained by ripping up the tissue paper from their gifts and tying it onto everyone as "decorations." Calli then performed a Tribal Dance for us with her new attire!

We had a lovely dinner out at Oma and Opa's house one evening.

Calli and Marin spent a lot of time in Oma's HUGE garden, picking wild strawberries and inspecting all the veggies. Franzie, the dog, was tired out from all the guarding she has to do.

So she took a little break, but made sure to keep her eye on things.

One day, Granny asked Marin to put all the shoes away nicely. She reminded her that Gido's slippers stayed in the special spot to the right (by Harries cat food), so she shouldn't move them from there. Later, we saw the lovely job that Marin did with the shoes!

We had a really great time in WL and although we didn't get to do all the visiting that we would have liked, we'll be back!! Thank you Granny for your lovely hospitality and allowing us to take over your house! I hope your neighbour didn't complain about the pitter patter of the footsteps and the running back and forth through the hallway!!
xo Suzie