French Celebrations
Before we went on holidays, we helped the French Canadians celebrate Saint Jean Baptiste Day. As usual, the parade in our town consisted of a whole lot of horses and a whole lot of Quads. Yes, there were a few other floats mixed in with the equine crowd, but the majority ruled. Calli and Marin really thought the parade was wonderful and Calli now wants to take riding lessons. Shocking!!
Nellie came along for the show and was quite a hit with passers-by! Because she is such a beautiful light coloured Retriever, everyone always wants to pet her and ask questions. I think she liked watching the parade too!
We sat on the lawn of a local business and while we waited for the parade to begin, Marin collected all the fallen branches that she could find.
Finally, the parade came!! Calli took this photo!
I am endlessly amazed at these beautiful horses. I remember seeing them in the parade only a few weeks after we moved here...2 years ago!!
After the parade we headed to the big park in the middle of our town where the festivities continued with lots of blow up slides for the kids as well as a fireworks display later in the evening.
Calli had SO much fun on the big slides!
After watching her big sister on the slide, Marin decided she'd try it too and had just as much fun!!
A few days later, our house was invaded by FAERIES when Emma came over for a visit!!
Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia, along with Raffis' parents came to Montreal for a swim and a trip to the BioDome! My girls LOVE going to the BioDome and seeing all the animals. The highlights of this trip were: 1. spotting the sloth high up in the trees 2. Watching the lynx take a huge rat and pace around with it hanging from his mouth 3. Watching the man in the penguin habitat feeding the birds individually and giving each a little pep talk to go with the fish 4. Seeing the lemur display (?) and watching real live Zoboomafoo's running around!!
Sofia was quite enthralled with the penguins and they reciprocated the attention! I held Sofia right up to the glass of the tank and 2 little penguins kept playing with her through it. It was really sweet to watch.
All of the girls enjoyed the underwater fish tank in the St Lawrence Marine Ecosystem section. It's my favourite part of the BioDome too! I love seeing the ducks dive down into the water and zip around amongst the fish. (Did you know that Marine in French is Marin? and they have a sign that says St Laurent Marin at the doorway before you enter?!)
All of this and we hadn't even left the province yet!!

Calli had SO much fun on the big slides!

Sofia was quite enthralled with the penguins and they reciprocated the attention! I held Sofia right up to the glass of the tank and 2 little penguins kept playing with her through it. It was really sweet to watch.
