Waiter...There's a fly in my soup.

Lastnight, I made a taco salad for dinner and we enjoyed it outside on our deck. I happened to spot this insect on some flowers that are on the table. It was nice of him/her to join us for dinner.

There are A LOT of bugs out here. The other night, I was rocking Marin back to sleep, and glanced out the window of the girls room and saw a light in the bushes behind our house. I was just about to scream for Adam (why? I have no idea...) when I saw another light. They kept going on and off, but were most certainly moving towards our fence. As my heart raced and I tried to calm myself down, I saw more lights all over the yard and the neighbours yards!!! Yes, they were fireflies! I don't think I've ever seen fireflies in my whole life, so it was a bit of a shock to me. Adam had seen them before and has now decided we should catch some. We took Calli out the other night to show her and she thought it was pretty neat!
Marin is a funny little character. She is addicted to Cheerios. I think all babies get to that point, but she LOVES them. She is very particular in how she eats them. She picks up one at a time with her thumb and forefinger and places them in her mouth, usually with her pinky finger sticking up. She then proceeds to "crack" them in half with her front teeth before devouring them. Her little mouth forms a cute little O shape and she moves on to the next O. She found a stray on the dining room floor this morning and showed me her perfect technique.

I was doing some cleaning/organizing this afternoon and tried to open up a bigger play space for the girls downstairs. We can't set up their playroom yet, because we are having the carpet in the basement replaced, but I made a big effort to move some boxes out and give them some space. Calli was colouring on her easel, so Marin decided she'd join in. She doesn't put crayon to paper, but is really good at grabbing handfuls of crayons, holding them up in the air to see how proud I am of her and grinning her beautiful toothy grin!!

Then when she thinks I'm not looking, she shoves a crayon in her mouth for a quick chew!! That girl will eat anything. Calli was never like that and hardly ever put anything in her mouth, so it's a bit of a weird thing to get used to. I have to watch her like a hawk!!