Callis' Bad Day

Yesterday, Calli was eating breakfast and nonchalantly asked Adam to look at her foot. She seemed to have a sliver in the bottom of it, but it didn't seem to be causing her any pain...until we mentioned removing it. She thought it was fine to leave it and asked Adam to put the "clampers" away. (tweezers = clampers) So, I got a needle out and while Adam held Calli down I somehow got the sliver out with only one poke!! Of course, she was crying like the world just ended, but a little essential oil and a Dora Bandaid solved her leaking eye issue.
Next, Calli tested our limits. At one point, she told Adam she didn't need to listen to him because she didn't need parents and she knew better than he did. So off to the stairs she went for a time-out. We got a kitchen timer and she almost seems to thrive on time-outs for the beeper alone. She reminds us to start the timer as soon as her butt hits the stair... This happens a few times a day.
In the afternoon, we toured around our area a bit and had a little lunch before heading in to the city to catch some Grand Prix action. Calli complained of her tummy hurting after we ate, but we thought nothing of it, because she complains often. So we put Marin in the backpack and Calli in a stroller and checked out the hot rods all over town.

There were Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, Lotus's (or is that Lotii??) and a few cars that made it clear that some people have too much time and money on their hands!!

One car in particular had maybe 15 tv screens in it. On the doors, the hood, the hatchback, the dash...etc. Why?
We were heading back towards the street where we had parked our car when Calli suddenly yelled "DAD, I just puked!!!" Poor little girl. She never spit up when she was a baby and has never had a flu or cold bad enough to do this to her, so she didn't know what to think. All she kept saying over and over was "Now, I've ruined my cardigan." We managed to clean her up the best we could and get back to the car. On the drive home, she had 2 more episodes while she was asleep.
Once we got home, we put her in the tub and I overheard her telling Adam "Dad, I've had SUCH a bad day today." She began at the beginning with the sliver, then all her time-outs and finally the sickness. She fell asleep quickly and managed to sleep right through the night. She ate breakfast this morning and we were going to head out to a parade, but she decided she didn't really feel up to it. We weren't sure what to do. We talked her into going in the double stroller and watching the parade. We had just set up our blankets on the side of the road guessed it..... So she watched while lying on the grass and blanket for nearly the whole parade, only raising her head enough to wave at the (hot) firemen. Pardon the pun. We got her home and she had a few sips of water and a little snuggle on the couch and then within 2 hours, she was full speed ahead again. She kept her snack/lunch and dinner down and wasn't complaining about feeling a "stick in her throat", so hopefully the bug or whatever it was, is now gone. And knock on wood, the rest of us won't get it.

These are the biggest horses I think I've ever seen. I've seen Clydesdales before, but these babies far outdid them!!!

We took the girls to a park near our house yesterday. Calli isn't all that brave on the slide, but managed to go down the BIG slide once by herself...we think she slipped and went down by accident.

They have one thing where there are 2 slides beside each other. Perhaps one day, the girls will race each other???

Marin has THE funniest expressions! When she gets really excited by something, she scrunches up her eyes and mouth and giggles like crazy. She enjoyed the swing and even flashed us her pearlies!!! Hee hee!!

Here she is on the slide having the time of her life!! And here is a picture of her during her pre-supper swim. We found this little turtle that has a built in seat/leg holes so she can still kick her feet and "swim."

Ok, I should go. This is getting out of control...
Quite the provincial bug going around.
Sorry to hear Calli is sick again after almost a days respite....
love Marins' toothy grin, she sure
acts up for the camera now too!!!