Errand Time
This is Marin playing Hide and Seek with Callis' cardigan.

Things finally cooled off today with a bit of a rain/thunder/lightning storm. Adam arrived home and surprised Calli this morning in the middle of one of her little attitude snitty moments. She was just rolling her eyes and huffing at me, when Adam switched places with me while she wasn't looking. When she turned around it took her a few seconds to register who this person in the uniform and funny hat was!!! She screamed "DADDYYY!!!" and flew into his arms, then got really shy and told him she didn't realize it was him. It was a cute little moment for all of us. Marin, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled about the guy in the funny hat. Once he took his hat off she was much better and smiled at him.
We had a few errands to do today, but when you live in a city...errands tend to take all day. We only had to buy pool toys, hit Canadian Tire for a jerry can and some lawnmower oil and then stop by the nursery for a few plants for our garden. Five hours later, we were home just in time to get dinner going!!
Calli is going to be a flower girl in September for her Auntie Kim and (new) Uncle Scott! They sent her a book in the mail about what flower girls do, so we read that before bed and I think she's excited and nervous already! She said "I don't really know what to do." This is only because that's what Louisa, the girl in the book, says. Calli is really excited about wearing a beautiful dress and maybe even some lipstick!! She keeps mentioning a sash, so I think she has some Cinderella-type expectations about this whole thing as well. It should be interesting to see how she does with all of this!
This is little Mare-Bear helping her Dad find lawnmower oil in Canadian Tire. She smiles for the camera already...Oh, the life of an aspiring photographers child....

The lady at the nursery today was really nice and informative. She was quite taken with Calli and her manners and proceeded to present her with a petunia flower head. In pink, of course. After Calli politely thanked her, she showed her that Snap Dragons have mouths and can talk. Adam and I were both reminded of being young and doing the same thing ourselves!!

It was nice to see someone take a little time to show something like that to Calli. Most people in this province wouldn't give us the time of day it seems, so it was nice to meet such a friendly woman who was interested not only in helping us with our garden, but who also had a few moments to spare for our daughter. Further proof that they aren't ALL that bad!!!

Things finally cooled off today with a bit of a rain/thunder/lightning storm. Adam arrived home and surprised Calli this morning in the middle of one of her little attitude snitty moments. She was just rolling her eyes and huffing at me, when Adam switched places with me while she wasn't looking. When she turned around it took her a few seconds to register who this person in the uniform and funny hat was!!! She screamed "DADDYYY!!!" and flew into his arms, then got really shy and told him she didn't realize it was him. It was a cute little moment for all of us. Marin, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled about the guy in the funny hat. Once he took his hat off she was much better and smiled at him.
We had a few errands to do today, but when you live in a city...errands tend to take all day. We only had to buy pool toys, hit Canadian Tire for a jerry can and some lawnmower oil and then stop by the nursery for a few plants for our garden. Five hours later, we were home just in time to get dinner going!!
Calli is going to be a flower girl in September for her Auntie Kim and (new) Uncle Scott! They sent her a book in the mail about what flower girls do, so we read that before bed and I think she's excited and nervous already! She said "I don't really know what to do." This is only because that's what Louisa, the girl in the book, says. Calli is really excited about wearing a beautiful dress and maybe even some lipstick!! She keeps mentioning a sash, so I think she has some Cinderella-type expectations about this whole thing as well. It should be interesting to see how she does with all of this!

This is little Mare-Bear helping her Dad find lawnmower oil in Canadian Tire. She smiles for the camera already...Oh, the life of an aspiring photographers child....

The lady at the nursery today was really nice and informative. She was quite taken with Calli and her manners and proceeded to present her with a petunia flower head. In pink, of course. After Calli politely thanked her, she showed her that Snap Dragons have mouths and can talk. Adam and I were both reminded of being young and doing the same thing ourselves!!

It was nice to see someone take a little time to show something like that to Calli. Most people in this province wouldn't give us the time of day it seems, so it was nice to meet such a friendly woman who was interested not only in helping us with our garden, but who also had a few moments to spare for our daughter. Further proof that they aren't ALL that bad!!!