Spooky Halloween
After weeks of knowing exactly what they wanted to be this year, Calli and Marin were desperate for Halloween to arrive. We actually got to spend Halloween with Grandpa and Grandma who were returning from a trip out East, visiting with family and exploring Eastern Canada and the United States.
Calli and I had done a practice make-up session a few days earlier, so we knew exactly what the final product would look like on game day. Calli had a pretty clear picture in her mind of what the make-up of a Vampire Princess would look like. She was specific with her directions to me, even when I thought she was nuts for her ideas and assured her that real vampires didn't have makeup like this....
Here she is before we put on the wig and the dress. Isn't it amazing that her teeth co-operated for the creepiness of her costume!!??
Marin chose to be a Queen. She was thrilled to wear real makeup and looked very regal in her costume dress and long, blonde wig. A few minutes after we stepped out the door, our neighbour told us Marin looked like a Pageant Queen!!!! I had NEVER thought that once!! I am quite anti baby pageants and was slightly horrified to hear those comments!!
Grandma and Grandpa took turns trick or treating with Adam and I and the girls collected SO much candy! We let them do a few more houses than last year, as it was a bit warmer this time around. They were so thrilled with all of the candy they got! This was the two of them, still in character as they were finishing up!
Adam and the girls did an amazing job decorating our house this year. We had a big pumpkin carving party the night before with Grandma and Grandpa and had some fantastic pumpkins!! Adam put out the tiki torches on the lawn and staggered our pumpkins on the walkway. They were, by far, the coolest decorations on the block!! I'm not biased at all!!
The girls painted these wonderful signs which we posted up on the garage for people to see as they walked up the driveway. Marin was on the phone with her cousin while she was painting, so she mixed up a letter!!! Our motto for the night ended up being....Be Mare....or....Beware!!!!

I am including our pumpkin carving extravaganza while I'm at it. I found our pumpkins at our local grocery store this year. The girls and I, as well as a friend, went to buy a few to carve and couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the size of the pumpkins they had!! They were set at $0.29/lb. After heaving 5 gigantic pumpkins into our 2 carts, we wheeled them to the self checkout counter and set them up on the scales. After the computer freaked out, the teller came over to try and help, but we couldn't get the pumpkins to go through and had to move to an actual checkout lane. The girl there did the same thing and the pumpkins wouldn't register. The bag boy then put the pumpkins back into the carts and wheeled them off to produce while we waited, thinking the scales in produce might be better. He returned a few minutes later with the news that the scales in produce top out at 16kg....and all of our pumpkins were bigger than that!!! They called the manager who said he would just have to charge us for 16kg per pumpkin and call it a day!! In the long run, I bought 3 gigantic and one regular pumpkin for $37.00. It's only once a year, and who knows if they'll be that big again next year!!!! Plus, think of all the pumpkin pies, muffins, soups and pastas we can create with all that pumpkin meat!!!
Calli had a clear idea in her mind of how she wanted her pumpkin face to be and had it drawn out in a flash!!
Grandpa worked out the final design with Calli for her pumpkin. Grandpa was a huge helper and carved the pumpkin for her!!
Calli got brave this year and helped "gut" her pumpkin!!! I loved that she giggled through the whole thing!

After we were done, we set them outside on the deck to keep cool. Horsie leaped up on the table and was unaware of how close she was to being eaten by my scary pumpkin, lurking in the background....
Calli's pumpkin, Adam's and Grandpa's all lined up!!! I love how Calli had a scar on her pumpkins cheek, how Adam made his with flaming eyes and how Grandpa's had googly eyes!!!
All five pumpkins sitting out on the deck table while we ate dinner inside!!! I absolutely loved our pumpkins this year!! I decided that each pumpkin is just like a snowflake, no two are ever the same!!
Calli and I had done a practice make-up session a few days earlier, so we knew exactly what the final product would look like on game day. Calli had a pretty clear picture in her mind of what the make-up of a Vampire Princess would look like. She was specific with her directions to me, even when I thought she was nuts for her ideas and assured her that real vampires didn't have makeup like this....
Here she is before we put on the wig and the dress. Isn't it amazing that her teeth co-operated for the creepiness of her costume!!??

However, I think they both looked incredible and totally different from themselves!

I am including our pumpkin carving extravaganza while I'm at it. I found our pumpkins at our local grocery store this year. The girls and I, as well as a friend, went to buy a few to carve and couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the size of the pumpkins they had!! They were set at $0.29/lb. After heaving 5 gigantic pumpkins into our 2 carts, we wheeled them to the self checkout counter and set them up on the scales. After the computer freaked out, the teller came over to try and help, but we couldn't get the pumpkins to go through and had to move to an actual checkout lane. The girl there did the same thing and the pumpkins wouldn't register. The bag boy then put the pumpkins back into the carts and wheeled them off to produce while we waited, thinking the scales in produce might be better. He returned a few minutes later with the news that the scales in produce top out at 16kg....and all of our pumpkins were bigger than that!!! They called the manager who said he would just have to charge us for 16kg per pumpkin and call it a day!! In the long run, I bought 3 gigantic and one regular pumpkin for $37.00. It's only once a year, and who knows if they'll be that big again next year!!!! Plus, think of all the pumpkin pies, muffins, soups and pastas we can create with all that pumpkin meat!!!
Here is Marin pre-carving with her enormous beast!!

After we were done, we set them outside on the deck to keep cool. Horsie leaped up on the table and was unaware of how close she was to being eaten by my scary pumpkin, lurking in the background....
I am going to come to your house next year for Halloween cause you do it up totally awesome.