Room Makeover
When we bought our house, it was painted the same colour on every wall inside. They used a horrible builders grade paint, which will eventually wear off the walls as I continue to wash little hand prints and dog mud splatter from them. Now that we've been in the house nearly a year and a half, we have been talking about re-painting and have slowly been choosing colours for the areas and rooms we would like to paint.
Adam's Mom mentioned one day that she would like to buy a desk for Calli's room, to give her a nice space to do her homework. Being that the girls rooms are so small, we weren't sure where we would find room in there for a desk. So we got thinking and planning and drawing and Adam built Calli a loft bed!! But before the loft bed could be installed in her room, we had to find a wall colour that she would love. We spent a few months going over paint colours and once the bed was done, Calli narrowed her decision to bright green, with black, white and hot pink accents. ( I may have helped a tiny bit....)
I took photos of her room before she had cleaned it up!! But the room needed something to escape from the dull taupe colour that is on the walls in here, as well as up near the ceiling where the builder had come in and repaired the nail pops in the wall.

So after a day or two of painting and repairing holes in the walls, a bit of vaccuuming and a bit of tidying....Calli ended up with this room!!

We have since put her curtains back up, found a few lamps for her wall and put things back where we found them.
We will hopefully have the desk in there next month once it arrives from BC.
I think I'll find a few more baskets to fit in this cube shelf, so Calli can store more of her junk in them!!
I am glad I convinced Calli to allow her Dad to paint two perpendicular walls one colour and the other two walls the other colour. She really was hoping to have the green and white walls alternating, but I figured it would look a bit crazy and she would get dizzy!!
It's pretty cute in there! Horsie hasn't figured out how to get up on the bed without a human elevator, but she certainly sparked a flurry of giggles from the girls when she jumped OFF the bed and landed on her feet!!
Adam's Mom mentioned one day that she would like to buy a desk for Calli's room, to give her a nice space to do her homework. Being that the girls rooms are so small, we weren't sure where we would find room in there for a desk. So we got thinking and planning and drawing and Adam built Calli a loft bed!! But before the loft bed could be installed in her room, we had to find a wall colour that she would love. We spent a few months going over paint colours and once the bed was done, Calli narrowed her decision to bright green, with black, white and hot pink accents. ( I may have helped a tiny bit....)

over the can't wait to see Marin's room
when it is finished. Granny
Funny, we picked the same colours for Emma's new room, aside from the green.
Great minds think alike!!
xo Suzie
Bro/Uncle Colin