Time Fleeting
There are so many things I still have to show you! We have done so many things and I have become increasingly frustrated with my computer and therefore, have postponed blogging on many occasions, even though I have captured every minute with my camera.
I was so very lucky this Christmas to receive a brand new camera from all of the members of my family!! Some of these photos were taken with my new beautiful camera and I'm soon going to need extra storage space on this computer as the possibilities are now endless with my new Nikon D90!!
When Granny was here around Thanksgiving, we took a trip into the city and ventured up the Calgary Tower. I was quite interested to learn the history behind the tower and that it was the first of it's kind! Very impressive.
The girls thought it was pretty cool to see all the sky-scrapers of Calgary from the top of the tower.
They also got a kick out of the fact that there is a glass floor up there!! After taking a few cautious first steps out onto the glass, they got creative!!
While Calli did silent screaming...Marin actually had some sound coming from her mouth! Not loud, but sound nonetheless.
Granny was much braver than I was and ventured out there with the girls. Take note of how she is holding onto the railing with white knuckles!! I did get a photo of Granny "falling" through the glass floor, but I'm not sure she would appreciate me posting that on here!
This is my little family of 4 and all of our shoes on the glass floor. I like how you can see the curve of the tower stretching below.
Before Thanksgiving, we went to the Calgary Farmers Market to get some produce for dinner and see what other treasures were there to be discovered. I l-o-v-e markets. I could live in them. On this particular day, the girls got their faces beautifully painted. They looked amazing!! You can see Granny there in the background as well! The strangest thing happened with Calli and her face paint though. She ended up feeling really angry with the paint on and took on a new personality. We had to wash the paint off as soon as we got home.
Marin kept her face painted through dinner, but eventually we had a battle about what she was or wasn't eating and she began to cry.
While out driving one afternoon, we passed this field of hay bales and thought they looked so neat with the snow on one side of them! It almost could have passed as the sun gleaming down on them on a hot summers day.
This photo is stunning! We were driving in the opposite direction from this spot and I was watching the sunset in my rearview mirror and stopped to take some photos of it. I took quite a few with different settings before finally getting this one which was the truest to what we could see with our eyes.
Calli waited months and months to lose her first tooth. All of her friends had already lost teeth and she was just desperate to lose one. She was so excited when the 2 bottom ones finally became loose and maybe a little sick of seeing her shark-like adult teeth growing in behind the baby ones. One evening, she bit into a fresh strawberry and the tooth on the right in this photo got really sore and really loose. With some coaxing and encouraging and finally a big pull, Adam got the tooth out for Calli.
She screamed and cried until she looked in the mirror and saw the gap and then asked if she could phone "everyone" to let them know her first tooth had finally come out. She has since lost only the bottom front tooth beside this one, although her 2 front top teeth are also loose right now.
My Mum, Calli, Marin and I all went out for a drive after one of the first snowfalls of the season. The landscape was really quite spectacular peppered with trees, their golden leaves still attached. It was like the first snowfall had been sprung on them before they'd had the chance to drop their leaves! This photo is at Elbow Falls in Kananaskis Country. Breathtaking in summer or winter!
These were the beautiful mountains we saw while driving towards the Elbow Falls turn-off. Just around that corner ahead, we saw about 30 mountain sheep on the side of the road! We stopped and watched them for 15 minutes or so and the girls had a great time making sheep noises out the window.
The girls standing with Granny at Elbow Falls. We'll definitely be back in the summer to join the masses for some hiking and picnicking!!
This is the view from the road just up from my house. You can see the foothills just above the rooftops of the houses and the Rocky Mountains beyond. I swear the mountains are different every time we walk out the front door.
This is the view of the mountains from Calli's school bus stop the other day! They were a bit hazy, but still majestic.
Here are my little beauties with their fun ladybug cakes that Adam and I bought them from the German market in Calgary. Little did we know when we were buying them, that the ladybugs heads were made of boozy chocolate!!! The girls got a big kick out of the fact that they were 'eating' booze!!
Marin has always had a nice relationship with our dog and cat. Every morning, we are sure to find Marin having a little snuggle time withe Nellie before school. On this particular morning, Nellie was laying in Marin's lap while she pet her and Marin was whispering to her and giving her little kisses.
Last weekend we went on a nice drive out towards the mountains to see where the road would take us. We stopped at this amazing viewpoint and the girls posed for some photos for me.
And this photo is of Nellie running around down by the river at the off-leash dog walk. For some reason, she still manages to think she's got a good idea when she jumps into the river for a swim....with ice floating by. It can't be that cold for her, because she goes in a few times during our walk! Silly dog.
This photo was taken last Wednesday and shows how very little snow we have here. I am not expecting it to stay like this, but I have to say, I kind of like it!!!
I was so very lucky this Christmas to receive a brand new camera from all of the members of my family!! Some of these photos were taken with my new beautiful camera and I'm soon going to need extra storage space on this computer as the possibilities are now endless with my new Nikon D90!!
When Granny was here around Thanksgiving, we took a trip into the city and ventured up the Calgary Tower. I was quite interested to learn the history behind the tower and that it was the first of it's kind! Very impressive.
The girls thought it was pretty cool to see all the sky-scrapers of Calgary from the top of the tower.

This photo was taken last Wednesday and shows how very little snow we have here. I am not expecting it to stay like this, but I have to say, I kind of like it!!!

Broken shoulder keeping me with you for 8 weeks instead of 2 - we managed to get around quite a bit, all the same. Nellie is crazy jumping in that river with the ice floes, brrrrhhh!!!Love the photo of Marin and Nellie....she sure loves her pets.