They had her in Stitches
I am so far behind in my blogging that I think I'm first!! Once again, my sweet little darlings have managed to delete my external hard-drive from my computer and I haven't tried to deal with finding it again. Therefore, I am in denial.
This was the next morning when her eye was still quite swollen.

The girls have assured us that they won't somersault on the couch anymore. We also don't have to freak out any time they do something dangerous anymore. We simply say, "You are going to end up getting stitches???" and they stop whatever they are doing!! Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.
Christmas was great. My Mum arrived on December 17th and we had a dinner party planned on the 19th. After dinner, we were sitting around enjoying our company when I looked over to see Calli and Marin doing somersaults over the arm of the couch. Just as I was saying, "I don't think that's a good idea. Someone is going to get hurt...", I watched Calli push Marin over the couch arm and watched Marin somersault crooked and fall off the couch, smashing her head against the coffee table. Adam and I both ran over and when Marin looked up, there was blood pouring down her face. All I could exclaim was, "Oh no." Adam came over and grabbed her up in his arms and called out to our dinner guest for help. He happens to be a paramedic! What luck! After cleaning the wound up a bit to have a look, it was decided that Marin needed to get stitches. Poor Calli was beside herself with anguish and apparently talked to Granny non-stop the whole time we were gone!!
Marin on the other hand was a trooper!! On the way to the Hospital she said to us, "I really shouldn't have listened to Calli..." Once at the hospital, she had a freezing gel and some gauze put on her eyebrow to stop the bleeding and to numb the skin and after the Doctor came in to check her out, it was decided she needed stitches and the steri-strips or glue wouldn't do.
So they wrapped her up in a blanket, "like a hot dog," and she sang her Christmas concert song, "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas," and charmed the socks off everyone! She ended the evening with 3 stitches and a brand new teddy bear and off we went home. She only cried when the freezing was going in and otherwise, she watched Toopy and Binoo on the tv in the room and kept on smiling.

The girls have assured us that they won't somersault on the couch anymore. We also don't have to freak out any time they do something dangerous anymore. We simply say, "You are going to end up getting stitches???" and they stop whatever they are doing!! Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.
can we come see you next week??