I Loved New Moon
In November, I decided to take advantage of one of the perks of being a Pilot's wife and flew out to Montreal to see New Moon, the newest installment from the Twilight Saga. I stayed with our dear friends, Roland and Katrina and their kids, Gus and Sarah. I caught them here in a serious mood, while Gus was completing his homework, but we had a really fun time!
I spent the better half of 2 afternoons out at my old favourite coffee shop with my friends. The three of us, Sasha, Merwie and I used to meet up for coffee as often as we could. It was so great to catch up with the ladies from the old Montessori pre-school. We had so much to gossip about after not seeing each other in a few months!
On movie night, I went out for dinner with Katrina, Merwie and her friend, Stephanie. We had a fantastic dinner and talked and laughed for ages until someone smartly checked the time and we realized we had to be at the theatre in only 10 minutes! We knew there would be a long line up to get in, so we prepared by going early to the restaurant which was a short walk to the movie theatre. As it was, we were able to walk right in and head straight to the movie! Merwie took a little detour and told us she'd meet us at our seats where Stephanie was waiting...but we never saw her. So Katrina and I ended up watching the movie by ourselves and later found out we were in the wrong theatre. Ha! Imagine that!
On the way home, I took this photo of the French version of the New Moon poster. Such a fun time and such a great movie!
Adam spent 6 weeks in WestJet ground-school preparing for his new job! As tough as it was for him and as hard as it was for us having him here each night, but so absent in his mind, we made it through! The girls and I were so very proud of him and made him a cake to celebrate passing his ride. It was a cake we made from scratch and whether it was the altitude that ruined the cake, we'll never know. We dubbed it the Ugly Cake. We wrote YAY in Smarties and presented it to him. Even though it was ugly, it was actually quite tasty.
We went out hunting one morning...I for a lovely photograph, Adam for a deer. We were SO lucky to catch this beautiful sunrise early in the morning. The skies out here are an endless source of wonder for me. (Btw, this photo is untouched.)
Marin ended up getting Fifth Disease (slap-cheek) some time before the holidays. Looking back, we all must have had it. The problem with it is once you see the tell-tale sign of red cheeks, you are already past being contagious. Marin had red cheeks for a few weeks, poor little thing.
Here are Marin and her red cheeks, snuggling up with Calli and Horsie. Horsie and Marin are pals and each night before I head to bed, I check on my girls and usually find Horsie curled up by Marin's legs.
In November we were invited to Lindsay and Dan's house for turkey dinner. Calli and Marin brought their colouring along to keep them busy and Dan joined them on the floor to help out. The girls thought that was pretty funny!

Cheers Katrina!

New Moon looked like a great adventure. I am sure your friends from Montreal loved the visit... I know I would! (hint hint).
The coffee shop time and buttered popcorn sounds like bliss to me!
On a side note... poor little Marin, her cheeks look so red.
And finally... GREAT JOB Adam and CONGRATS from all of us!
Miss you
The Bro