
We have ventured out a bit more this month. We decided we'd better take the kids up to the monument that marks our town, for a closer look. It's so funny to see this statue from the highway when driving by because it looks life-sized....

...but when you are standing up next to it, it's huge!!

Nellie did a really good job of protecting us from the very frightening statue. We were sure lucky to have her along!

All the leaves have fallen off and the grasses are yellowed now. Even in the evening sun, everything still looks beautiful and majestic.

Adam and I took a drive out into the backcountry one morning while the kids were off at school. We made it out to the base of these mountains and into what must be a riverbed. We were surprised at the amount of man-made construction (?) in the river bed. There were these giant piles of rocks and boulders uniformly built all along the bed, but you would be hard pressed to find any indication of water! We were able to drive up on the ridge above the rock piles and along to another road and the only conclusion we came to is that perhaps they are there for the spring runoff? I guess if we go out there again, we'll see??!!

This is the road on the ridge, you can see the barriers of rock and boulders on the left.

How can a person not be inspired out here? Even though the wind was gusting and the temperatures were low, it still looks inviting!

I loved this road. It looked like you could just drive right through the mountains.

This was the view looking back as we were heading back home. Breath-taking...


The Bro said…
Nice place you live in!! Looking forward to seeing it!
Anonymous said…
Hi Bean!!!

It's been SO long since I visited your blog! I got a new computer and forgot to bring my bookmarks with me.
Hilarious video of Nellie and the statue! She's so smart. I see dogs barking at statues all the time actually.

It's SO beautiful where you live! Can i come visit next summer for reals?
xo Sooz-eeeeee- cue.

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