Halloween Happenings
Marin had a little Halloween party at her school on Thursday and we were supposed to make enough treats for only 5 kids as they always end up with too much. We were really struggling to find something creative to make, as they don't encourage sending candy or sugary snacks. Luckily, Marin went to the neighbours house to play with their daughter and got to help make popcorn balls, so we stole the idea and made popcorn ghosts! They turned out pretty well and I think the mini chocolate chip eyes and mouths really made them great!
Our pumpkin this year was a joint effort. With Adam busy doing training, he wasn't able to really participate in Halloween. He missed the kids being dressed up for the parties they went to and also missed out on trick or treating. But he did carve the pumpkin. I drew the face on and he did all the dirty work.
On Friday, the girls were invited to a Halloween party in town. There were 26 kids at the party and they had such a great time. There were all sorts of activities set up to keep everyone busy, they even fed them supper!
Calli went as a Doctor this year. When I asked her what kind of Doctor she was, she insisted she was a Naturopath, because of Uncle Colin. I didn't want to tell her that she was in scrubs... She couldn't understand why when they went trick or treating, all of the people kept calling her a surgeon!!
The town had a Goblin Gathering for the local kids to partake in on Saturday. We had such a fun time there. They had some fun little activities set up for the kids to do and earn prizes from. Calli did the Pin the Stem on the Pumpkin game, but I noticed she didn't keep her eyes shut tight! Luckily, every kid won candy no matter where the stem ended up!
I remember doing this game when I was little. I think it was one of my favourites! I was marvelled at how I ended up with candy on the end of my line! Marin had fun tossing the line over and was pretty excited to get a bag of chips on her line!
Here are the Nurse and Doctor waiting in line to do pumpkin bowling. Unfortunately, we didn't get to bowl, because Jack Sparrow was going to come!
Jack Sparrow entertained the kids with some silly stories and antics and a little bit of magic. I loved seeing the looks on their faces when he did something really clever that they couldn't figure out! After Jack Sparrow left, there was a costume judging contest and Marin won for having the cutest costume in the 4-6 year old category!! There were about 30 or 40 kids being judged and they chose the cutest, scariest and most creative costumes to win a teddy and a complimentary family pass to the local pool! Yay Marin!! It's just a shame they didn't have a group costume contest...I think my medic team would have won!
After the Goblin Gathering, we headed home for a quick supper and then joined up with our neighbours to go trick or treating. There was a bit of a biting wind while we were out, so we didn't stay out too long before Marin was too cold to continue. The girls sure got a chuckle out of everyone on our block when they saw the cute stretcher they were carrying!
I loved their costumes this year and I'm happy they weren't too grouchy to carry the stretcher I made for them. They managed to carry it along to quite a few houses, but at one point, Calli was walking backwards and missed a step and fell on her bum, so that was the end of the stretcher carrying. Oh well, it was well worth the effort!!

Calli went as a Doctor this year. When I asked her what kind of Doctor she was, she insisted she was a Naturopath, because of Uncle Colin. I didn't want to tell her that she was in scrubs... She couldn't understand why when they went trick or treating, all of the people kept calling her a surgeon!!
