Grandparents and Waterton Nat'l Park
It sure is nice to live closer to everyone and have a near constant stream of visitors stopping in! In August, we had a great visit with Granny and also with Grandpa and Grandma. We took Granny and Grandpa down for a walk at the dog park one afternoon. Calli loves to prompt pictures out of me, as in, "Take a picture of me standing on this rock!" or, "wouldn't this be a cute picture?"
Nellie spent a few months living at Grandma and Grandpa's house in BC while we were moving and settling in, so Nellie loved having some reconnection time with Grandpa again!
We had plans to visit the Calgary Heritage Park one Sunday afternoon but after stopping in at the lovely Bearspaw market and nearly being caught in a rain storm, we decided to just drive on to Canmore and have coffee there!! We wandered through the streets a bit and stopped in for a cup of coffee and hot chocolate for the girls.
Granny and Calli mugging it up for the camera! (Haha! Pardon the pun!)
My Godfather and his wife live and work part time in Waterton National Park, so my Mum decided we HAD to take a drive down to see them while the park was still open. Adam was off at work in Montreal, so it was a girls trip. The scenery on the way is truly breath-taking. The drive was only 2.5 hours and a constant reminder of how very lucky we are to be living here!! We marvelled at the sheer size of these windmills and also at how many there are scattered across the landscape!
We met up with Wayne and Jean and after having a nice lunch at the golf course, we headed into town to see the sights! We stopped in and saw where Jean works and bought a couple of really cool books, then wandered along the main street visiting a few of the stores along the way.
What a beautiful place to be! There were deer sitting in peoples' yards happily taking in the last of the summer sun and we watched close to 20 deer grazing in a soccer field while a few brave (human) souls kicked the ball around, being careful to stay out of the way of the animals!
Then we took a drive down to the waterfront and checked out the local campsite. It was VERY windy, so the water was pretty choppy.
Granny and Calli decided to get out and see if they could sit still or if they'd be blown away like the fall leaves.
Marin didn't want to partake in getting blown away, so she stayed snug as a bug in a rug in the care instead, but she was still prone to the wind when Calli was getting back in.
We popped over to the Buffalo Paddock and drove through the park looking for these amazing beasts! I think buffalo are one of those things that never cease to amaze me.
The Prince of Wales hotel in Waterton is a sight to see. Apparently, it is one of the most photographed landmarks around. The reviews of the rooms aren't great, but it is nice to look at!
We got a nice tour of the campsite where Wayne and Jean live over the summer months and got to see their digs, which are pretty nice!!! Marin and Calli had a great time running around and being captured and tickled by Jean.
Marin sitting on an old piece of machinery in the campground...and no, that is not a real bear in the background.
Calli on the same machine...with the same cutout bear in the background.
We lucked out with a beautiful sunset on the drive home. We'll definitely visit Waterton again next year and show Adam all the things he missed!

Marin and Grandma enjoying a little snuggle time!
