Is that a cat dying? No, it's just bagpipes.
In August, the girls and I met Gillian, Raffi and Sofia at the Glengarry Highland Games for an afternoon of Scottish activities! We lucked out in our timing and got to see ALL of these pipe bands playing together on the field. It was incredible and you couldn't help but be drawn to the sound of the bagpipes.

I think the ratio of kilts to shorts was pretty high. I almost felt out of place in my shorts. Without a speck of plaid on any of us, we seemed like tourists! Haha! The girls enjoyed watching the Tug-o-War competition through the fence. I don't think they were particularly impressed, but they were mighty cute!!
We could see a pretty large storm looming on the horizon and decided to pack it up a bit early and head home. Luckily, we made it just in time! As we were loading the girls into our cars, we could feel the first drops of rain. By the time I got onto the highway, I couldn't see out 20 feet in front of me. I, along with all of the other motorists, had to pull over to the side of the road with my 4 way flashers on, waiting for the rain clouds to pass. It was INSANE!! I have never seen so many cars pulled over. Actually, I have never seen cars pull over in a rainstorm.
The sky was completely black, but we were headed towards the sweet patch of white up ahead and we made it home without any leaks!

The girls got to participate in Emma's 6th fairy birthday party. Emma's Mom had come up with some wonderful ideas for the fairies! They each decorated their own set of fairy wings, complete with sparkles and later chose a large flower from the hedge at the side of the property and decorated their flower wands with ribbons and gems! Here they are all participating in a dancing contest, twirling around the yard.

Calli and Emma had SO much fun together.
Here are all the beautiful fairies holding up their magic wands.
And here is my little Marin fairy patiently waiting for cake, with her ever-present sparkle shoes...who deserve a blog all their own.
We took a nice ride along the Soulanges Canal recently to pick some apples. Adam insisted that they were the same type that his Grandma always had and wanted to make apple pies. Once we got them home and went to chop them up, we realized they were FULL of bugs and worms. Disgusting.
However, we had a very nice bike ride and a perfect day to do it. The Soulanges Canal just might reopen soon. I attached a link above so you can check in and see the history and the newest updates regarding the canal. Once you get to the link, if you click on the little anchors on the right side of the page you'll see further information on this historical site.
We really love this bike trail as it's well maintained, safe and not too busy. We have seen something interesting every time we've been along it!!
Adam climbed the tree and shook the branches for the apples to fall off to our little collectors waiting below. Marin obviously takes after her Mum and doesn't appreciate dirty hands. Therefore, she was found being the Foreman for most of the apple "picking" bike trip.
An old tie-up for ships that used to come through...nice technical terms, hey?! My Uncle David must be cringing right about now!!
The Quebec country-side is really beautiful in the summer. There is nothing quite like the contrast of beautiful blue sky and green grass, trees and fields.

I think the ratio of kilts to shorts was pretty high. I almost felt out of place in my shorts. Without a speck of plaid on any of us, we seemed like tourists! Haha! The girls enjoyed watching the Tug-o-War competition through the fence. I don't think they were particularly impressed, but they were mighty cute!!

The girls got to participate in Emma's 6th fairy birthday party. Emma's Mom had come up with some wonderful ideas for the fairies! They each decorated their own set of fairy wings, complete with sparkles and later chose a large flower from the hedge at the side of the property and decorated their flower wands with ribbons and gems! Here they are all participating in a dancing contest, twirling around the yard.

Calli and Emma had SO much fun together.

Adam climbed the tree and shook the branches for the apples to fall off to our little collectors waiting below. Marin obviously takes after her Mum and doesn't appreciate dirty hands. Therefore, she was found being the Foreman for most of the apple "picking" bike trip.

Wow that is an awful storm, I would have pulled over too. Remember the downpour on our x- country in Saskatchewan, we turned around and didn't go to the Homestead after all?
Bagpipes are wonderful, with all of them playing, must have been quiet the serenade. Hmm could you call bagpipes a serenade, probably not. But it is very stirring when played right.
Cool mob of pipers! Steven would have loved that. He plays the scottish snare.
xxo SuzieQ