All the way to the other side
Remember when I said we would be seeing Uncle Bill and Auntie Marie this summer on their way across the country? Well, they arrived!! We ended up having 5 fabulous days with them here.
Uncle Bill has been following his family tree for a while now and found out that his ancestors lived in Hudson back in the day!! So we went on a hunt to various cemeteries in the area and came across many many graves with his family name on them!! The best spot was at a cemetery that wasn't even on our list, so we really lucked out.
This is the beautiful St James Parish in Hudson. Be careful of the slightly creepy music when you click on the link!!
Of course, we had to visit Marche Jean-Talon one afternoon to get some extra fresh produce for that evenings supper! Check out the amazing red onions that Adam is holding! He roasts them on the barbecue to perfection. Nice and sweet and just a bit crisp! Yum!
One afternoon after a nice swim in the pool, the girls discovered this toad in the backyard! Lucky for him, the girls found him before Nellie did!!
Calli was so brave while handling the frog. She kept asking Marin if she wanted a turn, but Marin declined each time and was more than happy to watch Calli do all the handling.
Here is a cute little video of the frog in action. I love Marin's giggling in the background!
Obviously, any trip to Montreal isn't complete without a visit to the Old Quarters. We lucked out with absolutely terrific weather and a nice hot day to enjoy the sights! This is City Hall.
We walked down towards the Old Ports and checked out the sweet little side streets along the way. The street-side restaurants and cafes can make ones mind imagine they were in France enjoying an afternoon espresso, no?
Ahead on the left are Bill and Marie checking out the shops along the cobble-stone street.
On our way to look out on the St Lawrence River...that's Auntie Marie in the green shirt up ahead.
After walking down to the waters edge and overlooking the St Lawrence River, we headed back towards the car. The gardens we came across on the way back were spectacular! The girls were in heaven merely with the sight of this splendor! The building in the background is the Marche Bonsecours. It has some really cool boutiques in there!!
After the excitement of the market, we headed up to Mont Royal to the lookout point. Since the weather was so perfect, we were able to see everything! That's the Olympic Stadium in the middle of the picture there. We were even able to see "mountains" in the distance. They certainly aren't the Rockies, but at least there was some deviation in the landscape!
The girls were roasting hot by this point and wondering why they couldn't see anything through these tourist binoculars. I love how Marin has her own hat wearing style.
On our last evening together, we took our lovely guests to the Bavarian restaurant we discovered. We had a really great dinner together...
Calli insisted on wearing her dirndl to the restaurant. She received it shortly after she turned one, I believe, straight from Switzerland! She wears it any chance she can get, including acting the part of the Grandmother from The Mitten (a book) in last years Christmas play at her Montessori pre-school. Marin wasn't into having any photos done.
And true to her costume, Calli is seen here downing a bit of Weiss Bier! Haha! I can't believe I caught this photo. It'll make all my German friends very proud. There is nothing like the sight of your 5 year old daughter licking her lips from the taste of a good German beer!!

In closing, I would just like to say how much we enjoyed having Auntie Marie and Uncle Bill here during their cross Canada holiday. They completed the whole thing in 11 weeks and visited many friends and family in Canada and the US on the way there and on the way back. Oh, and I didn't get a picture of Polar, their little dog who also came along on the holiday. Horsie wasn't so sure what Polar was and kept her distance. Nellie had to hang out in the backyard...I wasn't sure how excited she might get while making friends with Polar, so decided to play it safe. I think Polar weighs about 3 lbs and I might be pushing it with that guess...
Thank you Auntie and Uncle for the great time we had with you and all the help and laughter you provided while you were here. Please come back soon! We loved having you! xoxoxo
Uncle Bill has been following his family tree for a while now and found out that his ancestors lived in Hudson back in the day!! So we went on a hunt to various cemeteries in the area and came across many many graves with his family name on them!! The best spot was at a cemetery that wasn't even on our list, so we really lucked out.
This is the beautiful St James Parish in Hudson. Be careful of the slightly creepy music when you click on the link!!

Obviously, any trip to Montreal isn't complete without a visit to the Old Quarters. We lucked out with absolutely terrific weather and a nice hot day to enjoy the sights! This is City Hall.

In closing, I would just like to say how much we enjoyed having Auntie Marie and Uncle Bill here during their cross Canada holiday. They completed the whole thing in 11 weeks and visited many friends and family in Canada and the US on the way there and on the way back. Oh, and I didn't get a picture of Polar, their little dog who also came along on the holiday. Horsie wasn't so sure what Polar was and kept her distance. Nellie had to hang out in the backyard...I wasn't sure how excited she might get while making friends with Polar, so decided to play it safe. I think Polar weighs about 3 lbs and I might be pushing it with that guess...
Thank you Auntie and Uncle for the great time we had with you and all the help and laughter you provided while you were here. Please come back soon! We loved having you! xoxoxo
Love the toad shots! Your girls are so flippin' adorable!
xo Suzie