Grandma's Visit
Grandma is staying in Ottawa, caring for Sofia while her parents finish up with their schooling and complete all their exams. Seeing as she had a few days "off," she flew to Montreal to spend the weekend with us. She arrived on Friday night and on Saturday, we prepared to make the most of the day, but realized it was FAR too hot to do too much.
We ended up at a fabulous market not far from here. This market was unlike any I've ever been to.

It is located on a farm, but is closer to being a flea market than anything! There were a LOT of antiques mixed in with newer things and I'm sure just about anyone could have found something there.

After speaking with some of the vendors, we realized that it might be more of a traveling sort of market, where people can come and go to sell their wares over the summer, as opposed to being there each weekend.

We all found something to go home with and are looking forward to another visit soon.
That afternoon, Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia came to spend the night and particpate in a Lobster Feast! Each year around this time the local grocery store hosts a Lobster Festival where you can purchase three 1 pound lobsters for $20!!! Needless to say, we caught our limit. Ha ha! The girls loved seeing Sofia again and followed her around as she crawled and explored.
On Sunday morning, our local airport had a little Fly-In breakfast. I went with the kids last year and Adam was here to come along this year! It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed a delicious breakfast while watching small planes come in on the grass strip.
This one was very shiny!
Upon inspection of this glider after it had landed, we discovered it had a solar powered electric prop!! The wing span was amazingly wide and it was very graceful looking. That's Calli in the foreground going to have a closer look.
Sofia and her parents stayed for breakfast, but had to leave shortly afterwards and head home. But not before she entertained us with her beautiful smile and silly antics!!
After the fly-in, Adam, Grandma, the girls and I headed into the city and up to the Mount Royal Cemetery to look for some "dead rellies." This is the affectionate term we've given to the relatives that Joanne is tracking through her genealogy research.
Unfortunately, we didn't quite find what we were looking for in the cemetery. However, we did find two different graves that may have a link to the family tree that Joanne is trying to complete.
Calli and Marin entertained themselves in the cemetery by tracking a little chipmunk and discovering the hole in the earth that he was disappearing into. Here they have discovered where the ants are living... They are soaking wet because of the heat and humidity and because their Dad tried cooling them off with a bit of water on their heads!
According to the temperature gauge on our truck it was 33 stinking hot degrees on Sunday. Luckily Grandma bought the girls some ice cream from Dairy Queen to cool them off!
Three generations....
Mount Royal is an amazing and very full cemetery. A person could spend hours just walking through and looking at all the amazing headstones and reading the bits and pieces of peoples lives left behind in etchings on these stones.
I've never spent much time in a cemetery, but Mount Royal was a great place to start.
And lastly, I had to include this picture of Calli in her Dad's silly sunglasses. She was giving me her best bug face. I keep daring Adam to wear these when he goes to work, but he won't give in.
We ended up at a fabulous market not far from here. This market was unlike any I've ever been to.

It is located on a farm, but is closer to being a flea market than anything! There were a LOT of antiques mixed in with newer things and I'm sure just about anyone could have found something there.

After speaking with some of the vendors, we realized that it might be more of a traveling sort of market, where people can come and go to sell their wares over the summer, as opposed to being there each weekend.

We all found something to go home with and are looking forward to another visit soon.
That afternoon, Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia came to spend the night and particpate in a Lobster Feast! Each year around this time the local grocery store hosts a Lobster Festival where you can purchase three 1 pound lobsters for $20!!! Needless to say, we caught our limit. Ha ha! The girls loved seeing Sofia again and followed her around as she crawled and explored.

This one was very shiny!

This grave stone is not one of Joannes' relatives but is important nonetheless. It is the grave of David Thompson who the Thompson River in BC is named after. He was recognized as the "greatest land geographer who ever lived." It is amazing the things a person can learn if they explore a graveyard!

Calli and Marin entertained themselves in the cemetery by tracking a little chipmunk and discovering the hole in the earth that he was disappearing into. Here they have discovered where the ants are living... They are soaking wet because of the heat and humidity and because their Dad tried cooling them off with a bit of water on their heads!

Three generations....

Miss ya