Big Girls
As the end of the school year winds down and the realization of the next big step in our childrens' lives becomes clearer, we are getting more and more excited about the paths Calli and Marin are going to be taking.
In September, Calli will begin Kindergarten at a wonderful elementary school and will learn to ride the bus and speak French! Marin will begin attending pre-school at the Montessori school where Calli has been for the last 2 years.
I think the transition for Calli will be a bit tough on her. The move to the new pre-school took it's toll on her nerves and made us realize how much more we need to prepare her for change. She hasn't always embraced change, but we usually try and talk her through things so she isn't scared or anxious about the things to come. Even though we did our best and she was a big part of the process (helping to paint and clean the new building), she had a hard time once she was in the new school and refused to go back at one point. We managed to work through it all and give her some time to wrap her head around the whole thing and she has been just fine over the last 2 weeks.
The first friend Calli made at pre-school was Emma and these days the two of them are joined at the hip. Here they are back in September 2006 on their first day of pre-school together.
Being born 5 months earlier than Calli, Emma will be going straight into Grade 1 in September. We are hoping the two of them might end up at the same school enabling them to maintain their friendship over the next few years. Here they are 2 years later...
Marin is our other little concern. She has a bit of an advantage having come five days a week to the school to pick up and drop off her sister. She has become more comfortable talking to the other kids and running around after class with them in the play-ground. A few of the kids will be at the school in the Fall when Marin starts, so she will already be familiar with some of the faces there. I have confidence that Marin will fit in perfectly, but she likes to do things on her own terms and I wonder how that will fit into the equation... Here she is fitting in with the big girls already!! My little SuperStar!
In September, Calli will begin Kindergarten at a wonderful elementary school and will learn to ride the bus and speak French! Marin will begin attending pre-school at the Montessori school where Calli has been for the last 2 years.
I think the transition for Calli will be a bit tough on her. The move to the new pre-school took it's toll on her nerves and made us realize how much more we need to prepare her for change. She hasn't always embraced change, but we usually try and talk her through things so she isn't scared or anxious about the things to come. Even though we did our best and she was a big part of the process (helping to paint and clean the new building), she had a hard time once she was in the new school and refused to go back at one point. We managed to work through it all and give her some time to wrap her head around the whole thing and she has been just fine over the last 2 weeks.
The first friend Calli made at pre-school was Emma and these days the two of them are joined at the hip. Here they are back in September 2006 on their first day of pre-school together.
