Mountain Wedding
At the beginning of August we made a mad dash for BC to witness the beautiful wedding of my dear friend Denise and (her now husband), Jan. We arrived on Friday morning and after picking up our rental car, we headed out to the jetty by the airport to pick some blackberries and enjoy the sun and the ocean breeze. It was a perfect way to spend some time together back in BC.
Adam was a very brave Daddy and jumped down into the bushes to pick handful upon handful of the plump berries for his girls. I say brave because if you look at the photo above, you'll see it's a bit of a drop off to get down where the bushes are. I ended up lending him a hand to get him back up on top of the walkway. Nevertheless, the girls were thrilled about filling their faces with blackberries and were very careful about not getting berry juice on their clothes.
This picture was taken shortly after Calli got a thorn in the side of her finger... It was quite an ordeal, but the problem was easily remedied amid all the screaming and crying!!
Friday night, we enjoyed a lovely dinner with my beautiful friend Chelsea, after sneaking her dog up to our hotel room! Mochi was a good sport and managed to stay quiet and calm when the housekeeping lady knocked once on our door and entered before we could get him hidden away!! We put the Please Do Not Disturb sign on the door after complaining to the front desk about the invasion of privacy and went for dinner. They explained to us that it is their policy to knock once and if no-one answers, they can enter the room. We hardly had time to answer, let alone get to the door!
Saturday morning, I headed out to Steveston to spend the day with Denise, Jenn, Marita and Karena as Denise prepared for her big day. After her hair and makeup were all done, we packed up into Jenn's vehicle and headed up to Furry Creek, near Squamish for the wedding. Denise chose to drive herself in order to avoid any "motion sickness." I got a kick out of this.
Here is Marita, Karena and Denise going over some last minute details. The Golf Course had a fantastic bridal party room in the locker room area of the resort and it was a great spot for us to get ready. Denise was very calm and relaxed the entire time!! Good job D!
Here is the beautiful bride shortly before getting into a golf cart, driven by her Dad and heading up the side of the mountain for the wedding ceremony.
WOW!! The view was spectacular. The weather was perfect and the wedding was short and sweet with all the elements required! You can see Calli, Marin and Adam in this pic, as well as Marita to the left of the bride, who did a wonderful job as Best Woman.
After enjoying one of the BEST wedding meals we've ever had, Calli danced her little heart out at the reception and topped it off by having fruit dipped in the chocolate fountain!! A kids dream come true!! The Tide to Go from my purse was working over-time at the wedding.
Both girls fell asleep in the car watching a movie on the portable DVD player. We parked right beside the outdoor patio where we were revelling and had a clear view of our exhausted little angels. We enjoyed a fantastic breakfast the following morning at our hotel in Squamish, then headed back in to Vancouver before boarding a plane bound for Montreal. We arrived home around midnight and slept in really late the next morning.
So to Denise and Jan, we wish you all the best in your future as husband and wife and thank you for inviting us to participate in such a beautiful day. It was truly memorable! xo

Saturday morning, I headed out to Steveston to spend the day with Denise, Jenn, Marita and Karena as Denise prepared for her big day. After her hair and makeup were all done, we packed up into Jenn's vehicle and headed up to Furry Creek, near Squamish for the wedding. Denise chose to drive herself in order to avoid any "motion sickness." I got a kick out of this.

So to Denise and Jan, we wish you all the best in your future as husband and wife and thank you for inviting us to participate in such a beautiful day. It was truly memorable! xo
Squamish is one of my most favorite places. I remember rock climbing out there once upon a time. Congratulations Denise. (You are gorgeous!!)
Seeing your photo makes me miss you Bean. Can we rendevous in BC sometime?
PS....Thanks Suzanne....!!