Birthday Number 2!!
Maybe there should be an unwritten rule that a person can have as many birthday parties as they age that they are becoming. Marin did just that this year, with two celebrations for her birthday!
On her actual day of birth, we had a lovely chocolate chip pancake breakfast and then presented her with her new car and cell phone from Granny!! (We are ok with her having a new car and cell phone at this age...but when she's 16?? Things will be a bit more expensive and maybe not so affordable!) She loved her car SO much, she ate breakfast in it, watched cartoons, had a snack and nearly refused to leave it when we packed up and took the kids to the Eco Museum for a visit.

Marin was super excited to see all the "Ammals." When we approached the window of this little river otters abode, he/she peeked at us very excitedly and curiously from his wood "hut" and then slithered into the water to play with us through the window! Marin could hardly contain herself from giggling! Adam helped her put her finger up against the window and the otter tried touching her and scratched at the wheels of her stroller. It was quite a sight to see. We had a bit of a time getting Calli to leave and she sweetly told the otter that we'd come and see him again soon!

These cute furry rodents were quite a hit with the girls. They had a couple of visits with the raccoons while we were there. It's a shame that something so cute can be such a nuisance.

This is a sweet photo of my big 2 year old girl! She is so funny and curious and adventurous and full of life. She is loud and timid and most often, she gets what she wants. She has things all figured out and knows if she throws herself onto the floor, she'll get that 2nd cup of juice!! I am trying to teach her about consequence, but it's a slow road....
After visiting with the animals, we went over to our friends house for Marin's birthday dinner as they were going to be away for her actual party. Katrina had balloons, dinner, presents and a fantastic birthday dessert for us! Roland had made pork ribs marinated in beer, then bbq'd and Marin, who is not a vegetable eater, probably ate a whole rack to herself! She couldn't get enough! We laughed and laughed at our little carnivourous daughter...
Calli and Gus play very well together. They are best friends they tell us. They talk on the phone every few days and the other day when I was expecting a call from Gus, I said to Calli "Your boyfriend is going to be calling any minute." Later she said to me, "Mom, I like it when you call Gus my boyfriend." (Don't let Dad hear that one!!)
Here are the troops eating supper or acting goofy. Whichever was most important at the time!
Katrina makes the most amazing chocolate chip brownie cookies I have ever tasted. Because it was Marin's birthday (very special occasion), she made cookies, warm from the oven and ice cream, topped off with whipped cream and sprinkles!! Every kids dream come true (and their parents as well!)!! Each kid had their own candle to blow out after we sang Happy Birthday to Marin. The problem with the picture is this. Marin HATES having all eyes on her. She hid her face every time we tried singing to her. In fact, when her Grandpa phoned earlier in the morning, she covered her ears when he was wishing her Happy Birthday and followed suit with every phone call she had afterwards! So here she is...very embarassed with the attention.
She also refused to blow out her own candle, so her big sister came over to help out.
We then relit all the candles and did the whole thing over again, so Marin could blow out her own candle.
She was very proud of herself for accomplishing such a big feat!!
On Saturday, we had a low-key birthday party for her. We invited Emma and Joshua and their parents, as well as Uncle Colin, who came from TO and Uncle Kevin who had flown in from a business trip in the USA the night before.
I decided on making cupcakes this year in place of a cake. They turned out pretty well. Next time I'll try icing them a bit more professionally!
It was time to light the candles and sparklers and Marin was, once again, not going to participate. Uncle Kevin stepped in to show her how it was done which didn't go over very well.
Here is the very instant between having the candles lit and the beginning of singing Happy Birthday! Marin seems quite happy, no?

And then, the singing began......
Luckily the cupcakes were tasty!! There's nothing like sugar to clear up a few tears! Notice Marin is working on her 2nd cupcake here. She licked the icing off the first one and started on her second without eating any of the cake. She ended up with three bald cupcakes at the end of the afternoon. The homemade icing was a hit!!
Here are the party revellers watching as Marin opened her gifts. Calli and Emma go to pre-school together and were dressed up as Princesses about 5 minutes after Emma walked through the door.
After an afternoon of partying and playing, Marin was pretty tuckered out and went for a nap in my bed while all her guests were still celebrating! Oh, the life of a busy hostess/birthday girl!

On her actual day of birth, we had a lovely chocolate chip pancake breakfast and then presented her with her new car and cell phone from Granny!! (We are ok with her having a new car and cell phone at this age...but when she's 16?? Things will be a bit more expensive and maybe not so affordable!) She loved her car SO much, she ate breakfast in it, watched cartoons, had a snack and nearly refused to leave it when we packed up and took the kids to the Eco Museum for a visit.

Marin was super excited to see all the "Ammals." When we approached the window of this little river otters abode, he/she peeked at us very excitedly and curiously from his wood "hut" and then slithered into the water to play with us through the window! Marin could hardly contain herself from giggling! Adam helped her put her finger up against the window and the otter tried touching her and scratched at the wheels of her stroller. It was quite a sight to see. We had a bit of a time getting Calli to leave and she sweetly told the otter that we'd come and see him again soon!

These cute furry rodents were quite a hit with the girls. They had a couple of visits with the raccoons while we were there. It's a shame that something so cute can be such a nuisance.

This is a sweet photo of my big 2 year old girl! She is so funny and curious and adventurous and full of life. She is loud and timid and most often, she gets what she wants. She has things all figured out and knows if she throws herself onto the floor, she'll get that 2nd cup of juice!! I am trying to teach her about consequence, but it's a slow road....

Calli and Gus play very well together. They are best friends they tell us. They talk on the phone every few days and the other day when I was expecting a call from Gus, I said to Calli "Your boyfriend is going to be calling any minute." Later she said to me, "Mom, I like it when you call Gus my boyfriend." (Don't let Dad hear that one!!)

I decided on making cupcakes this year in place of a cake. They turned out pretty well. Next time I'll try icing them a bit more professionally!

And then, the singing began......

Happy 2nd Birthday Marin! xoxo
Hi to everyone!!!!!!
That picture of Marin sleeping is too sweet, what a doll.
Miss ya
the mccarneys