Pot Pourri - Like Jeopardy!
Marin has been doing incredibly well with going to bed by herself at night. It took about 3 nights TOPS!! It's making the evenings a lot longer for me, not having to rock her to sleep each night. I miss snuggling with her on my gorgeous orange rocking chair (yes, Suze, they are similar but not exactly the same!), but we've started a new bedtime ritual and we're all adjusting fine.
I do still get a nice snuggle when it's time for her nap. We usually lay together on my bed until she nods off. It's hard to not stay and stare at this little mug though...

Poor Horsie has had to rearrange her days and lifestyle for that matter, to avoid Nellie at all costs. Horsie is nearly 11 years old now and she's been through a lot with me and she still adjusts so well, surprising me all the time. She is such a loving cat with a huge protective personality. She's always concerned whenever the kids cry and she comes meowing to make sure they're OK. Isn't she gorgeous!!??

Horsie was sleeping in Marin's crib the other day, so I put Marin in there for fun and Horsie started purring right away. Marin thought that was pretty cool and didn't want to get out.

So she picked up a book and started reading to her!

Calli's pre-school teacher was sick one day last week, so we had the afternoon at home with her. We decided to try straightening her hair to see what it would look like.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it completely straight. Calli thought it was pretty cool that she had such long hair. She was incredibly patient with me while I was working on it, but I don't think we'll be doing it again any time soon!

Adam got a special package in the mail. In it was a t-shirt and 2 cans of beer. Adam is in love with Pilsner beer and would probably be hooked up to an IV of it if he could. Imagine his disappointment when he realized it isn't sold out here in this part of the country. Luckily his best friend, B, is looking out for him. He shipped him the goods and previously gave him the (ugly) green hat. That's what friends are for....

These street signs are along all the local roads. I finally decided to figure out what it translates to in English. I think it means "Watch for children, perhaps they're yours." I find the picture most disturbing...the translation is a close second.

We were hit with a pretty wicked snow storm a few days ago. The ironic thing about it is that Adam and I had just had a conversation about how it didn't seem that we had much of a winter at all! We couldn't believe it was already turning into spring. Adam was so excited with the melting snow and warm weather that he started spreading some of the accumulated snow back on to the driveway in order for it to melt. I think it might have been after the 2nd spread that the sun went behind the clouds... It soon started snowing and didn't stop for 2 days!!! Due to an injury, Adam was unable to shovel the driveway, leaving me to do the dirty work! Good times!
I do still get a nice snuggle when it's time for her nap. We usually lay together on my bed until she nods off. It's hard to not stay and stare at this little mug though...

Poor Horsie has had to rearrange her days and lifestyle for that matter, to avoid Nellie at all costs. Horsie is nearly 11 years old now and she's been through a lot with me and she still adjusts so well, surprising me all the time. She is such a loving cat with a huge protective personality. She's always concerned whenever the kids cry and she comes meowing to make sure they're OK. Isn't she gorgeous!!??

Horsie was sleeping in Marin's crib the other day, so I put Marin in there for fun and Horsie started purring right away. Marin thought that was pretty cool and didn't want to get out.

So she picked up a book and started reading to her!

Calli's pre-school teacher was sick one day last week, so we had the afternoon at home with her. We decided to try straightening her hair to see what it would look like.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it completely straight. Calli thought it was pretty cool that she had such long hair. She was incredibly patient with me while I was working on it, but I don't think we'll be doing it again any time soon!

Adam got a special package in the mail. In it was a t-shirt and 2 cans of beer. Adam is in love with Pilsner beer and would probably be hooked up to an IV of it if he could. Imagine his disappointment when he realized it isn't sold out here in this part of the country. Luckily his best friend, B, is looking out for him. He shipped him the goods and previously gave him the (ugly) green hat. That's what friends are for....

These street signs are along all the local roads. I finally decided to figure out what it translates to in English. I think it means "Watch for children, perhaps they're yours." I find the picture most disturbing...the translation is a close second.

We were hit with a pretty wicked snow storm a few days ago. The ironic thing about it is that Adam and I had just had a conversation about how it didn't seem that we had much of a winter at all! We couldn't believe it was already turning into spring. Adam was so excited with the melting snow and warm weather that he started spreading some of the accumulated snow back on to the driveway in order for it to melt. I think it might have been after the 2nd spread that the sun went behind the clouds... It soon started snowing and didn't stop for 2 days!!! Due to an injury, Adam was unable to shovel the driveway, leaving me to do the dirty work! Good times!
