Spring Break Part 2
As I mentioned we had a great time over the Spring Break and during Adam's holidays, exploring more of the city. We explored the south shore of Montreal, crossing over the St Lawrence via the Jacques Cartier bridge.

We chose a very cold day to go exploring, so even though the sun is shining and Calli looks happy...she was quite chilly!

Here is a little clip of the St Lawrence River flowing along smoothly. You'll see the Montreal skyline in the background as seen from the South shore. The spot where we were standing was a wooden boardwalk and by stepping on the hard packed snow on top, the sound of our footsteps echoed in the hollow space beneath us. Suddenly the water seemed VERY close and VERY cold... I asked Calli to take a step back, away from the edge of the water. I guess because I had visions of the boardwalk caving in and the 2 of us being swept away, everything became exaggerated and scary.
We came across the Biosphere. Hopefully we'll be able to visit this sometime and see what it's all about for ourselves.

We went to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts where we took in the Disney exhibit, along with Gus and Sarah and their parents. If you look at the back of the yellow car, you'll see Adam and the girls standing there.

The exhibit was really neat. Calli loved seeing the miniature version of the Fairytale castle and a lot of the paintings were characters she recognized from various movies and books. There were movies playing in each separate area of the gallery and photos, paintings, etchings and portions of film reels for us to peruse. Adam and I both agreed that it is easy for a person to forget that Walt Disney did not write the stories from which his movies are made. He simply brought the stories and characters to life on the big screen. Montreal is the only North American stop on the Walt Disney Inspiration tour and we are very lucky to have seen it.
Montreal has some incredible architecture and old buildings juxtaposed with new "growth." It is really spectacular in it's own way, to see how old and new can coincide in such beautiful togetherness. Our country is so new in comparison to the European countries and cities I've visited over the years, but if you look in the right spot, you can almost imagine you are in Old World Canada!!

We are so lucky to have the opportunity to live here and explore and this city and get to know and love it!

We chose a very cold day to go exploring, so even though the sun is shining and Calli looks happy...she was quite chilly!

Here is a little clip of the St Lawrence River flowing along smoothly. You'll see the Montreal skyline in the background as seen from the South shore. The spot where we were standing was a wooden boardwalk and by stepping on the hard packed snow on top, the sound of our footsteps echoed in the hollow space beneath us. Suddenly the water seemed VERY close and VERY cold... I asked Calli to take a step back, away from the edge of the water. I guess because I had visions of the boardwalk caving in and the 2 of us being swept away, everything became exaggerated and scary.
We came across the Biosphere. Hopefully we'll be able to visit this sometime and see what it's all about for ourselves.

We went to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts where we took in the Disney exhibit, along with Gus and Sarah and their parents. If you look at the back of the yellow car, you'll see Adam and the girls standing there.

The exhibit was really neat. Calli loved seeing the miniature version of the Fairytale castle and a lot of the paintings were characters she recognized from various movies and books. There were movies playing in each separate area of the gallery and photos, paintings, etchings and portions of film reels for us to peruse. Adam and I both agreed that it is easy for a person to forget that Walt Disney did not write the stories from which his movies are made. He simply brought the stories and characters to life on the big screen. Montreal is the only North American stop on the Walt Disney Inspiration tour and we are very lucky to have seen it.
Montreal has some incredible architecture and old buildings juxtaposed with new "growth." It is really spectacular in it's own way, to see how old and new can coincide in such beautiful togetherness. Our country is so new in comparison to the European countries and cities I've visited over the years, but if you look in the right spot, you can almost imagine you are in Old World Canada!!

We are so lucky to have the opportunity to live here and explore and this city and get to know and love it!

I loved the architecture there.