Oh, the nerve
Well, life is it's regular crazy self around here. Adam has been working a LOT and has been gone for nearly 2 weeks now, with just one or two nights at home. Lucky for him, I have been able to capture some of the fantastic sights and sounds emanating from inside our house.
Where do I begin? Here is a picture of Marin. Yes, she is sitting on the coffee table playing blocks. I think it was an attempt to escape from Nellie the bothersome dog, that she climbed up here. Nellie has a terrible habit of acting like a dog and chewing everything in sight. (I know...the nerve...) Calli's beach Barbie recently showed up with an amputated hand. Luckily, being that she is a beach Barbie, we were able to convince Calli that the Barbie had been involved in a shark attack while out surfing one afternoon. This warded off what was sure to be a full crying fit!! So yes, this is Marin's chosen block spot. She is even getting quicker at hopping down to pick up any dropped blocks before Nellie gets them in her chompers!

A little fact you might not know about Marin, is that she has quite a temper. How, at 18 months of age, she knows how to throw a proper FIT, I'll never know. Her fits range from literally throwing herself on the floor and crying, to sweeping her arm across the booster seat tray and clearing everything off and onto the floor. Adam is putty in her hands when it's fit time. He is a caver. We've already discussed how when she is older and comes to him demanding a new car, he'll drive her down to the dealership and buy her anything she wants...Just to avoid a fit.
I, however, am savvy to her ways and her little fits don't phase me. She had her first time-out the other day for hitting her sister (who is older and for some reason unable to defend herself from her baby sister - I think it's her kind heart...), and completed one full minute sitting quietly on the stairs. I guess having seen Calli sit there enough times, she knew what she had to do. Here she is after her first time out. She is quite attached to these binoculars and wears them for hours at a time, occasionally peering at us through them...backwards.

Marin has taken to drawing and colouring lately. I have taken all the felts away from her hot little hands, since finding her "work" all over the house, but I do allow her to use crayons as long as she's sitting up at the table, in her booster seat, which has a washable tray... I suppose she was practicing some other kind of "art" when she dumped the contents of the crayon box onto the floor here. She is a mischievous one this one!!

The girls usually get a story before bedtime, but lately Calli is more prone to dressing up and having a few songs to dance to before bed. We usually give her the choice of a book, game or some dancing, and never on to turn down a chance to boogie, she chooses dancing. She chose her newest gown and beautiful purple velvet cloak accompanied by the witches hat the other night, but discarded the hat once she realized she could wear the cloak as a hat instead. Marin leaped at the opportunity to wear the hat and they danced their little hearts out. Calli's song of choice is Strangers In the Night, but she'll settle for what she calls the Barbie song. It might even be called that.... Remember Aqua and the song "I'm a Barbie girl/In a Barbie world/Life and plastic/It's fantastic." We downloaded it onto a disc for her and she digs the song, as does little Marin, who spins and falls down for her dancing style!!

I've been very crafty lately and I whipped up this little dress for Calli. She's grown so much that she only has 2 dresses in her closet that fit her, and every girl needs more dresses that can spin in her closet!! This one doesn't exactly spin very well, but it's a dress and that's apparently all that matters!!
Where do I begin? Here is a picture of Marin. Yes, she is sitting on the coffee table playing blocks. I think it was an attempt to escape from Nellie the bothersome dog, that she climbed up here. Nellie has a terrible habit of acting like a dog and chewing everything in sight. (I know...the nerve...) Calli's beach Barbie recently showed up with an amputated hand. Luckily, being that she is a beach Barbie, we were able to convince Calli that the Barbie had been involved in a shark attack while out surfing one afternoon. This warded off what was sure to be a full crying fit!! So yes, this is Marin's chosen block spot. She is even getting quicker at hopping down to pick up any dropped blocks before Nellie gets them in her chompers!

A little fact you might not know about Marin, is that she has quite a temper. How, at 18 months of age, she knows how to throw a proper FIT, I'll never know. Her fits range from literally throwing herself on the floor and crying, to sweeping her arm across the booster seat tray and clearing everything off and onto the floor. Adam is putty in her hands when it's fit time. He is a caver. We've already discussed how when she is older and comes to him demanding a new car, he'll drive her down to the dealership and buy her anything she wants...Just to avoid a fit.
I, however, am savvy to her ways and her little fits don't phase me. She had her first time-out the other day for hitting her sister (who is older and for some reason unable to defend herself from her baby sister - I think it's her kind heart...), and completed one full minute sitting quietly on the stairs. I guess having seen Calli sit there enough times, she knew what she had to do. Here she is after her first time out. She is quite attached to these binoculars and wears them for hours at a time, occasionally peering at us through them...backwards.

Marin has taken to drawing and colouring lately. I have taken all the felts away from her hot little hands, since finding her "work" all over the house, but I do allow her to use crayons as long as she's sitting up at the table, in her booster seat, which has a washable tray... I suppose she was practicing some other kind of "art" when she dumped the contents of the crayon box onto the floor here. She is a mischievous one this one!!

The girls usually get a story before bedtime, but lately Calli is more prone to dressing up and having a few songs to dance to before bed. We usually give her the choice of a book, game or some dancing, and never on to turn down a chance to boogie, she chooses dancing. She chose her newest gown and beautiful purple velvet cloak accompanied by the witches hat the other night, but discarded the hat once she realized she could wear the cloak as a hat instead. Marin leaped at the opportunity to wear the hat and they danced their little hearts out. Calli's song of choice is Strangers In the Night, but she'll settle for what she calls the Barbie song. It might even be called that.... Remember Aqua and the song "I'm a Barbie girl/In a Barbie world/Life and plastic/It's fantastic." We downloaded it onto a disc for her and she digs the song, as does little Marin, who spins and falls down for her dancing style!!

I've been very crafty lately and I whipped up this little dress for Calli. She's grown so much that she only has 2 dresses in her closet that fit her, and every girl needs more dresses that can spin in her closet!! This one doesn't exactly spin very well, but it's a dress and that's apparently all that matters!!

What a smiler Marin has become.
Love the costumes.
Marins' camera face is priceless!
Inventive and quick thinking with the "new" one armed Barbie, so now Callie has a physically challenged Barbie, how unique!
Hope your colds are gone soon and Marin soon figures out that crayons are for drawing on paper only.
JL, aren't you little miss Martha Stewart, sewing a dress for your gal... very nice!!
Marin is so funny... love that grin!