Clean Winey Dog
Adam and I discovered a new Wine Expert shop a few weeks ago. We went in for a visit and met with the VERY knowledgeable employee who knew everything about each wine kit there. Adam was looking for a really nice full-bodied red wine and this gentleman recommended the perfect one. Those of you who make wine will understand the significance of having 4 little pouches of oak to add to the magic liquid.

Adam is eager to try this wine once it is done. He enlisted the help of his 2 wine goddesses to get the process going. Calli added water, juice and whatever else she was told to do. She stirred for a bit, then decided playing Barbies might be more fun, so Marin took over the stirring duties.

You might remember that Calli has been a wine helper for a long time, assisting with bottling and corking??!! I think Marin is up and coming in the wine assistance department. Please direct all questions to her! She is very up to date on all things related to wine and the process of making it.

I decided to fold some of the girls laundry on the floor in their room the other day, thinking I was being smart with not having to cart the laundry all around the house to wind up in the spot it belongs in anyway. I set about folding and consequently putting the pieces in the drawers where they fit, while the girls played Barbies. Marin was trying to be a big help with the folding, but she prefers wearing different articles on her head and running from her room to mine and back.

After a few distractions from both sides, I went to put one of Calli's shirts away and discovered Marin had been putting laundry away while I was out of the room. Perhaps she's too young to see why pants and washcloths don't go in the long sleeved shirt drawer...

Being a Golden Retriever, Nellie will apparently do anything for a treat or some food. Therefore, she is very easily trained! Adam had been practicing a few tricks with her and somehow a small piece of one of her treats ended up on the floor beside her crate. Nellie was playing inside her crate with the door open and ended up catching a whiff of this little morsel. Instead of going out of her crate to get the treat, her mind became concentrated on the smell and taste of the treat and the following ensued:
I know dogs are smart and they can learn tricks and do a lot of things cats can't do, but after witnessing this little fiasco, I am beginning to wonder!!! Silly dog.

Adam is eager to try this wine once it is done. He enlisted the help of his 2 wine goddesses to get the process going. Calli added water, juice and whatever else she was told to do. She stirred for a bit, then decided playing Barbies might be more fun, so Marin took over the stirring duties.

You might remember that Calli has been a wine helper for a long time, assisting with bottling and corking??!! I think Marin is up and coming in the wine assistance department. Please direct all questions to her! She is very up to date on all things related to wine and the process of making it.

I decided to fold some of the girls laundry on the floor in their room the other day, thinking I was being smart with not having to cart the laundry all around the house to wind up in the spot it belongs in anyway. I set about folding and consequently putting the pieces in the drawers where they fit, while the girls played Barbies. Marin was trying to be a big help with the folding, but she prefers wearing different articles on her head and running from her room to mine and back.

After a few distractions from both sides, I went to put one of Calli's shirts away and discovered Marin had been putting laundry away while I was out of the room. Perhaps she's too young to see why pants and washcloths don't go in the long sleeved shirt drawer...

Being a Golden Retriever, Nellie will apparently do anything for a treat or some food. Therefore, she is very easily trained! Adam had been practicing a few tricks with her and somehow a small piece of one of her treats ended up on the floor beside her crate. Nellie was playing inside her crate with the door open and ended up catching a whiff of this little morsel. Instead of going out of her crate to get the treat, her mind became concentrated on the smell and taste of the treat and the following ensued:
I know dogs are smart and they can learn tricks and do a lot of things cats can't do, but after witnessing this little fiasco, I am beginning to wonder!!! Silly dog.
I used to make that wine at a shop in Victoria. Was it Montepulciano? Barolo? Does it have a blackberry mouth and a black cherry nose, with nuances of tobacco, violets and prunes? How are the legs? Didn't you tell me about legs, bean?
Nellie is perfect... just a bit challenged when it comes to treats!
Now is not the time, but one day.
Zoe would love that Zig Zag Zoo, what a great place.