Crazy Artists

We have some pretty silly things happening in this house lately. Marin shows me her gorgeous little grin each time I bring the camera out! How she can smile mid-sip, I'm not sure.
Then there is Nellie. I swear she grows a little more each night. She has recently started peeing with excitement when we greet her in the morning or when we come home from an afternoon out etc.. She is starting obedience classes/puppy school next week. Adam has to go for a theory session first and then it's Nellie's turn.
Here she is in an interesting sleeping position...

How could this be comfortable?
This is the guilty party who wrecked the cutest little Nursery Rhyme book around. I was out of the room and when I returned I saw Nellie ripping the pages out of the book and adding them to her little shredding pile. As I was yelling at her, she ripped another page out!!!!! The nerve...

Marin has taken an interest in colouring and playing with Play Doh lately. The problem is that she tends to draw on anything she can get her hands on. I have found her trademark circles on my hardwood kitchen floor, my new entertainment center, books, tables, carpets (new), booster seats, dolls, toys and clothes. So far my walls have been far.

This is Calli's desk. She sometimes eats breakfast on it. I've started having Marin sit and colour in her colouring book, instead of laying on the floor. I can only assume from this picture that the colouring book was being used elsewhere? Or maybe she was using her invisible paper?

Here is her "artwork" on my favourite horribly gold/orange rocking chair. This chair has arm rest covers, which are rarely ON the chair and are usually found in the dogs mouth. Marin took this opportunity to lay her graffiti on the bare arm pen.

Calli on the other hand, is getting very good at drawing...on paper. She spends a lot of time drawing pictures for her teacher and everyone in her class. This is a picture she drew of a duck. She has never really taken an interest in drawing animals and this is the first time I'd seen anything like this!! Normally she is drawing Princesses or our family.

This is another example of her progress. She has begun using more than one colour to draw a picture and the pictures are getting a little more detailed. I think Adam and I are both shocked at how far she has come and how much things have changed in the last few weeks with her. It's so amazing!!

Calli learned how to sew a button at pre-school the other day. When I picked her up, her teacher, Ms Lisa, was telling me she was shocked at how well Calli did. She said she holds the material for the kids and then has them sew the button. She said Calli did each stitch perfectly and made it through the hole every time without hitting the button!! In typical Calli fashion, she decorated her material with sparkly things afterwards.

Here is the back of the project. It hardly gets neater than this!!

Calli decided some time ago that she didn't like scrambled eggs anymore. I offered her some the other morning as a joke, but she said she wanted to try them. I whipped them up and she ate a few bites before giving up. Marin stepped in and tried feeding her a few bites and she obliged!! Marin loves to feed Calli or anyone who is within reach. She holds it out and says "Bite? Bite?" Then after you try her offering she asks "Good?" Then she'll smile and nod. Such a good little helper.

Calli looks like she has short hair in this picture, but I assure you it's a trick of the eye, camera and sun. She had her usual crazy afro hair that she has every morning before we tame it. Today she said to me "Mommy, I'm ready for you to do my hair contraption."
As we were heading out the door for school, she said "Oh, I forgot to show you what I made downstairs...Dammit!" I looked at her and said "NOOO!! You don't say that word." Her reply? "Oh. Oops?!" Yeah. Oops.
"LUV" Marin's Robeez
Loved Calli's coloured art and the sewing, wow, what a trooper.
Marins abstract art gives character to the house and furnishings, might be worth a fortune as she develops her skills further?!
Is that the same chair as I have? We're gold chair sisters!
Love you and your family bean,
Mine should be past the drawing on stuff stage, but last week it was ball point pen on the back of the leather seats in my car. Guess who's not allowed to draw in the car any more?