Bio Catch UP
While my Mum and my brother were still here, we took a trip to the Montreal BioDome. Calli LOVES the BioDome and was overly thrilled to be able to "show Granny and Uncle Colin around." Her words.
That's Adam walking with Marin and Calli.

We really lucked out this time around and saw quite a few animals that we haven't seen on previous visits. The sloth made an appearance as did the 2 lynx, who seemed unhappy as they paced and retraced the same steps over and over for the 15 minutes we stared at them. Calli's favourite part was watching a large pink tropical bird sitting peacefully on a tree, while two cheeky little monkeys stalked it from a few branches below. One monkey was brazen enough to sneak up the tree and yank the birds tail feathers!! Calli was lucky enough to see the whole thing and talked about it for days!
This is the best shot I could get of the lynx. The two of them were walking with a quick pace, so it was hard to capture them.

In the Antarctic section I hung out with Marin, who was in the stroller and gave Calli full rein of my camera for penguin pictures. This is one of the shots she got! I think she did a fantastic job!

I LOVE the huge underground fish tank and could spend hours watching the fish and ducks swimming around. This picture was (obviously) looking into the water from above, but the next picture is looking from the reverse. Marin was rather vocal while gawking at all the fish.

Calli thinks the sturgeon are pretty cool and yesterday while eating spaghetti, she hung a piece of noodle out of her mouth and said "Look Mom. Now I'm like a sturgeon!!" This is Calli and Marin hypnotized by the fishies!

After touring the BioDome we were all famished and stopped off at a restaurant for something to eat. This is Calli and her Uncle Colin enjoying each others company. Our friend Erica taught Calli how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors a few weeks ago, so Uncle Colin was subjected to a good half hour of play! He eventually threw in "Dynamite?" and ended the game, leaving his poor 3 year old niece very confused. (I'm not sure I would have lasted as long as he did!!)

Colin, Calli and Granny

We took the girls and Nellie to the park near our house the other day. Adam is truly a kid at heart and as you can see, he was making sure even Nellie was having fun at the park!! Marin giggled her little head off when Nellie would come down the slide by herself!!

Here is my littlest contemplating what to climb next at the park! She is SO different from Calli, who only recently started being a little more adventurous! Marin climbed up the tallest slide first, before trying out the little ones!!

And last but hardly least, my little Princess...posing as usual!

She wore a ballerina outfit to dinner tonight, with Marin and I in attendance. She had a zip up hoodie on over top of her outfit and as she was unzipping the hoodie, she said "Look, a Princess is joining you for dinner tonight!! It's ME!!" It really never gets old...
That's Adam walking with Marin and Calli.

We really lucked out this time around and saw quite a few animals that we haven't seen on previous visits. The sloth made an appearance as did the 2 lynx, who seemed unhappy as they paced and retraced the same steps over and over for the 15 minutes we stared at them. Calli's favourite part was watching a large pink tropical bird sitting peacefully on a tree, while two cheeky little monkeys stalked it from a few branches below. One monkey was brazen enough to sneak up the tree and yank the birds tail feathers!! Calli was lucky enough to see the whole thing and talked about it for days!
This is the best shot I could get of the lynx. The two of them were walking with a quick pace, so it was hard to capture them.

In the Antarctic section I hung out with Marin, who was in the stroller and gave Calli full rein of my camera for penguin pictures. This is one of the shots she got! I think she did a fantastic job!

I LOVE the huge underground fish tank and could spend hours watching the fish and ducks swimming around. This picture was (obviously) looking into the water from above, but the next picture is looking from the reverse. Marin was rather vocal while gawking at all the fish.

Calli thinks the sturgeon are pretty cool and yesterday while eating spaghetti, she hung a piece of noodle out of her mouth and said "Look Mom. Now I'm like a sturgeon!!" This is Calli and Marin hypnotized by the fishies!

After touring the BioDome we were all famished and stopped off at a restaurant for something to eat. This is Calli and her Uncle Colin enjoying each others company. Our friend Erica taught Calli how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors a few weeks ago, so Uncle Colin was subjected to a good half hour of play! He eventually threw in "Dynamite?" and ended the game, leaving his poor 3 year old niece very confused. (I'm not sure I would have lasted as long as he did!!)

Colin, Calli and Granny

We took the girls and Nellie to the park near our house the other day. Adam is truly a kid at heart and as you can see, he was making sure even Nellie was having fun at the park!! Marin giggled her little head off when Nellie would come down the slide by herself!!

Here is my littlest contemplating what to climb next at the park! She is SO different from Calli, who only recently started being a little more adventurous! Marin climbed up the tallest slide first, before trying out the little ones!!

And last but hardly least, my little Princess...posing as usual!

She wore a ballerina outfit to dinner tonight, with Marin and I in attendance. She had a zip up hoodie on over top of her outfit and as she was unzipping the hoodie, she said "Look, a Princess is joining you for dinner tonight!! It's ME!!" It really never gets old...