Bounce Me to the Sun
Another busy morning with phoning and emailing across the entire countryside!! Calli dressed herself for the day and accessorized with pink socks worn as gloves! Quite a lovely touch! As you'll see, Wickett, our cat, is thoroughly impressed as well!

Finally I got done with all that I could do for the day, so I packed up the girls and off we went to Brandy's house for the afternoon. Brandy lives on a HUGE lot and just got a trampoline for her kids, so Calli and Olivia spent the entire 5 hours bouncing and running and riding bikes and scooters and snacking and having a great time together.

Here is Olivia in the midst of an amazing action jumping sequence! Look at that form!!

It was very important to eat popsicles in the castle as the best shade was within the castle walls! Calli looks like she's waiting for her Prince to come and rescue her!

The girls brought a bucket of kitchen scraps over to the neighbours to feed their chickens. The chickens were VERY appreciative. It seems these chickens are appreciative for other reasons as well. The neighbour was telling Brandy and I how the fence around the coop was pushed down quite low the other morning and another neighbour reported seeing bears in the area already!! Why would the bears sleep with the weather being the way it is here? Nobody in their right mind wouldn't be taking full advantage of these gorgeous spring days! There wasn't a cloud in the sky today, and I could see the coastal mountains across the Straight!!! Fabulous weather!!

Even Marin spent some time in the sun. Doesn't this picture show how appreciative she is of the weather? She's just soaking it up!!

Finally I got done with all that I could do for the day, so I packed up the girls and off we went to Brandy's house for the afternoon. Brandy lives on a HUGE lot and just got a trampoline for her kids, so Calli and Olivia spent the entire 5 hours bouncing and running and riding bikes and scooters and snacking and having a great time together.

Here is Olivia in the midst of an amazing action jumping sequence! Look at that form!!

It was very important to eat popsicles in the castle as the best shade was within the castle walls! Calli looks like she's waiting for her Prince to come and rescue her!

The girls brought a bucket of kitchen scraps over to the neighbours to feed their chickens. The chickens were VERY appreciative. It seems these chickens are appreciative for other reasons as well. The neighbour was telling Brandy and I how the fence around the coop was pushed down quite low the other morning and another neighbour reported seeing bears in the area already!! Why would the bears sleep with the weather being the way it is here? Nobody in their right mind wouldn't be taking full advantage of these gorgeous spring days! There wasn't a cloud in the sky today, and I could see the coastal mountains across the Straight!!! Fabulous weather!!

Even Marin spent some time in the sun. Doesn't this picture show how appreciative she is of the weather? She's just soaking it up!!
