We Saw the Sun!!

With big plans of building ourselves a new bed, we packed up the girls and headed down to Irly Bird. Adam the General Contractor sub-contracted Calli Construction Ltd to oversee wood quality for this particular project. He had a bit of math to do while converting Calli's unit of measurement (ie. Barbie) to standard. Needless to say, the visit was a bit lengthier than we had planned. Marin the fore-woman was supervising the work done and should be submitting her report soon. Calli, just like her Auntie Gillian was dressed appropriately for the lumber yard!! Angora hat and sweater anyone????!!!!
Calli introduced herself to Rosie in the paint department after purchasing the lumber. She proceeded with the following conversation: "So...Rosie...I was wondering about paint colours for Mommy and Daddy's new bed." "What colour were they thinking of?" asked Rosie. "Chocolate Brown." "Would that be using Ralph Lauren or CIL?" Rosie inquired. Calli came away with a few samples of colours for the new bed and for Marin's room as well.

One last point of interest in our day was the part where Calli fought with us to bring a Barbie in to the store. She insisted that "Violet" had to come in and after being told that she HAD to carry the Barbie without losing her, Violet became a burden with her weight. Adam and I, of course, were shocked at this accusation considering that Calli plays Barbies for about 89% of
the day and is often found carrying all 9 that she owns at one time!!! Oh to be 3 again...!!!!
