Toothday the 31st!

Adam woke up bright and early and headed off to the Dentist, appropriately named Dr Smilie, to see what could be done about the broken tooth he ended up with after being hit in the mouth a few weeks ago at hockey. He already had work done last week to repair a chip he's had for years, but which had broken off after said hit. He came rushing in the door, beaming with bravery and announced "I got it!! I got my first root canal!!" "Atta boy, Adam!" we replied. Then the freezing wore off...
In other toothy news, we discovered that Marin popped her first tooth today as well!! Like father, like daughter. This explains a lot from the past few nights. Calli has her first appointment at the dentist tomorrow, so we've been practicing opening her mouth wide, wide, wide and explaining about all the tools they have and reading about Dora the Explorers visit to the dentist. There have been a few dentist episodes on various cartoons in the last little while, so as long as Dora or Sister from the Berenstain Bears has been, Calli's good to go!
It's been windy and rainy all day today. Marin spent a good 20 minutes contemplating the weather system this afternoon, as you'll see in the pictures I've included.

Our house seems to be facing directly in the oncoming path of the dreaded South Easterly winds. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's been standing here since 1946, the windows are new and improved and the roof was replaced 2 years ago after some of it blew off in one of these storms, so we should be ok. But I do tend to doubt it all when the entire house shakes, literally, with some of these 100km/h gusts passing through! That being said, don't be surprised if I write again tomorrow from Kansas or Oz...There's no place like home, there's no place like home....