Horse Trail in the afternoon Sun

We enjoyed a lovely walk last week along our favourite trail. (The trail is a horse trail, but I've only encountered a horse on it once!) It was a nice break from all the stress we've had over the last few weeks, trying to choose the right Elementary school for Calli to attend in the Fall. The sun was shining and the air was crisp, but we trudged along the trail and had a great afternoon!

Trying to find the "right" elementary school here has been quite a task. Between listening to others opinions, hashing it out together, attending Open Houses at the schools and really thinking about what the best option for Calli might be, Adam and I finally decided on a school.

We figure it is best to take advantage of the fact that Calli can really learn French here. By making this decision, we eliminated the English Schools in the area. Because Adam and I both attended school in BC, in English, we are not eligible to send our children to French school, so that eliminated those schools. Therefore, we were left with the Immersion schools, of which there are 2 in our area to choose from.

Mid-January, I visted the first one and was really impressed with the curriculum and the way the children would learn. It's a 50-50 school where the children would do their whole day in English one day and French the next. I thought because Calli doesn't hear any French at home, this might be a good option for her to get an ear for the language without being overwhelmed. I was impressed by the teachers and the layout of the school and the Kindergarten classes. The parent volunteers couldn't say enough good things about both the school and the teachers. Once I left, I was s-u-r-e this was the school for Calli, but thought I'd better give the other school the benefit of the doubt.

A few days later, I was able to attend the other Open House with Adam. As soon as I walked into the school, I knew. We were given a tour of the whole school and were given the chance to see one of the Kindergarten classrooms as well. Everything was neat and tidy and orderly. The kids are taught in an Intensive French learning environment. They are taught everything except Gym and Music class, in French! So essentially it is about an 85-15 French/English setting. Adam and I made the decision on the spot to send Calli to this school. She will learn French intensively for the first 3 years and when she goes into Grade 3, she'll do the 50-50 thing.

Adam was speaking later with our neighbour who was complaining about how "Institutionalized" he felt the school to be and how he got a really cold reception from the principal when he visited. As he has twin daughters, he was concerned about them being split up in Kindergarten and said that school is adamant about splitting the kids up, which he was PURELY against. I, on the other hand, really liked the institutionalization of the school. It just felt right. It reminded me of my school and how orderly everything was.

So a big weight feels like it's been lifted off our shoulders and I'm really happy about our decision and knowing that I looked at both schools and made the decision with my instincts as opposed to someone elses!! Now all I have to do is come to terms with the fact that my "baby" is 5 and is going to be in Kindergarten and will be riding the bus!!

With the decision to send Calli off to Kindergarten made, it was time to think about Marin! I have been really impressed by the method of learning at the Montessori pre-school that Calli has been attending and yesterday her teacher confirmed there was a spot available for Marin in the Fall!! I can't tell you how excited I am for Marin to start learning there as well!

Calli has been dealing with a bully for nearly 2 years now at her school and is learning to hold her own against this girl and learning the right way to deal with people of this nature. We've given her the tools to use the right words to solve her issues with the girl and I think Calli is a bit more confident since the whole thing began. I just feel a little ache in my heart, knowing that Calli has had to learn such a big lesson at such a young age. I'm sure she'll have had to deal with it eventually, but you never want your kids to grow up too fast...and in a way, I wish this lesson could have been averted until later.

This girl will be in the public school system in the Fall (thankfully in another town than where we live, so Calli may never have to see her again), but Marin will be in the same school as the brother of this child. One parent pulled her kid out at the beginning of the school year because the brother had been pummeling her son on a daily basis. I have already voiced my concerns to the teacher and she is fully aware that I will NOT put up with that behaviour, so I'm hoping Marin won't have to deal with it when she's there. (sigh) Although, with Marin's disposition, I wouldn't be surprised if she clocked anyone who tried to lay a hand on her. She knows what's going on.

This little video is of Calli identifying animal tracks in the snow. I think it's extra funny because her face is pretty cold and her lips are having a hard time keeping up with the words!!

On the way home, we stopped off at the grocery store and Nellie, who was completely worn out from all the running she did, became my little muse for a few minutes. I LOVE this picture of her orange eyelashes! Hee hee.

This one is a special before kiss shot. I'm not into doggie kisses and although I appreciate my little Nellie sharing the love by licking my hand, it's not something I encourage her to do. Not my thing. But it gives you a new perspective on our dogs face!! I know it's just what you've been waiting to see after all my ranting!!


Anonymous said…
Whew, I glad we aren't the only ones stressing to-the-max about Kindergarten. We've been to 2 schools, and although we are sure about one, we want to check out all our options just to be sure. The options are limited in PR, as you know. Right now, it seems like Assumption may be our choice, even though religion isn't our main concern, we like what the school has to offer. Stay tuned, I'll let you know.

Love the nellie shot, and Callie's sloppy lips. Too cute.
pauline said…
You forgot to mention that you had to be interviewed to get Calli into a public school! Love the girls on the trail, just wish you could have put a "nice" picture of Nellie in too.....I will be dreaming of those nostrils!!!
Bean said…
We aren't really being "interviewed," so to speak, but they want to see 4 years of elementary school report cards before we go to our registration appointment. We have to provide an Eligibility Certificate that we have to obtain through the Quebec School Board system in order to prove that Calli is "Worthy?" of entering into the system!
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a lot of work finding the right school. Good for you guys. Still a lot of snow.
Love that nose.
Anonymous said…
Are you trying to kill me with all that cuteness?! First "baby pony and kitty tracks" then the eyelashes and nose? I can't take it!!! aaaaaaaaa!
I love the dog shots! So cute!

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