Marin turns SIX!
We all know it's happening, but it still seems incredible when you realize how quickly time is flying. Marin turned 6 in August. SIX! She is still the funniest girl I know, with her quick wit and the silly thing she says! She is still as independent as she has always been, being the first one down in the morning to make her own breakfast, but she is also the first to hop up into our laps for a snuggle.
Granny was here for Marin's birthday, so we all went out for a fun afternoon at the mall and dinner afterwards.
At the mall, Marin asked if she could make a Build-a-Bear for her birthday present. She chose a really cool wolf (part of the proceeds go to the WWF - not the wrestling company) and had him stuffed right in front of her eyes! In this photo, you can see Marin standing on the pedal that blows the fluff into the bear! She also got to choose a "heart" to go inside the bear and was able to make a wish on the heart before it was inserted into the wolf's chest. Such FUN!!
Next we went for a quick lunch at Boston Pizza in the mall. When we were leaving, there was this tube which is a hurricane simulator. The girls were thrilled when they stepped inside and the wind started blowing their hair all over the place! On the back wall of the tube you can see the speed of the wind inside!! The were screaming and giggling the whole time!!
And finally, we had an actual birthday party where she could invite some friends to come and celebrate with her. We had hoped to take her to NYC for her actual birthday, but it just didn't work out, so we brought NYC to Marin instead with a NYC themed party. Here is the birthday girl helping Mummy set up the backdrop for the fashion photo shoot.
We set up a photo backdrop of a white sheet and put out all sorts of dress up clothes and scarves for the girls to get "fashionable" in! I love this photo of the 5 of them in their fancy clothes!
Our lovely friend Lindsay made a fashionable cake for Marin!! Love the purse on top and the flavour of the cake was 1/2 cherry chip, 1/2 chocolate!! So delicious!!
My lovely daughters. Calli could have kept dressing in different outfits all day. Marin changed once and then put her party dress back on. She'd had enough. Like I said...independent.
Beautiful Marin.
Our second activity was tracing the girls silhouettes on giant pieces of paper and having them paint and decorate themselves!
They were all very concentrated on doing a great job and decorating themselves with paintings of fancy clothes and jewellry!!
And then...CAKE!!! Marin made it through another year without crying!! I think she is past that phase of crying during the Happy Birthday song! Phew.

No boyfriends this year!
We then lit the birthday ring that has been in our family for years and all the girls had a chance to blow out the 6 candles on it!
Another party down, my baby is another year older. What will the next party bring??!!!