My girls LOVE having a picnic lunch out on the deck, or anywhere for that matter. On this day, they made a teddy bears picnic and set up two deck chairs absolutely stuffed full of teddies to join them on their picnic. (I had a photo of the teddies....not sure where it's disappeared to!)
The meal consisted of "pink milk, (strawberry flavoured milk)" strawberries, beef jerky, Wheat Thins crackers, rice cakes, pepperoni, more beef jerky, green grapes and apples. The gobbled the whole thing up! The only distraction to the perfect picnic was a little Bobcat machine in the yard of the new construction behind us, pushing loam all over the property line.

(As a side note to the picnic, once the girls were done eating and were chatting outside on the upper deck, I noticed the Bobcat operator stopping work and walking over to the new house to pee up against the house! But instead of trying to hide what he was doing, he faced the new house (his back was to us) and proceeded to pee close to their back door, in the gravel. When I noticed and said something to the girls, Calli said, "That's disgusting." I said, "I have an idea. Let's make sure he never does this again. Go stand out on the deck and when he is done and turns around to get back into his machine, he'll probably look up here. Give him a little wave." At first she said, "No," but after realizing that he'd be embarrassed and never do it again, she went out and waved at him when he'd finished. He looked down and sort of backed into his machine...clearly embarrassed. I was pretty upset with the whole thing, but I suppose it's the developer who should be providing toilets for the workers. I just don't understand how the guy thought it was a good idea to pee in front of my kids. He knew they were up there and he knows that the house he was working on backs onto my lawn...and all of my neighbours anyone who was home and sitting in their living rooms would have seen him. I'm not sure why he didn't at least try to conceal what he was doing by going in between two houses or finding a port-a-potty somewhere. I hope he felt bad. And even if he didn't, we felt good for outing him.)
We were home when the Calgary Stampede took place this year, so we decided to check it out and see what it was all about. We didn't buy tickets for any stampede activities this year. We just decided to walk around and see what we might like to do next year.
We took a ride on the WestJet gondola from one side of the grounds to the other. We sure saw everything from up there!!
Can you see Adam and Marin in the gondola ahead?
Lots of rides, lots of tents, lots of games, lots of food and a whole lot of cowboy hats, cowboy boots, short shirts and shorter shorts!
Lots of people too!! Next year we've decided to partake in a bit of rodeo viewing. I would love to see the
Chuckwagon races. I realize they are controversial...Adam would like to take the girls to see bull riding or something along those lines. I guess we will see.
After we walked the grounds, ate mini-donuts and buffalo jerky, we drove up to a prime viewing spot to see the fireworks that go off every night during Stampede! We perched the girls on the trunk of the car, wrapped them in blankets and watched the amazing show! Well worth the effort to see it all!!
- suze