The Beginning
Did I ever tell you that Calli doesn't like the swings? She's never really liked the motion of swinging back and forth, ever since she was a baby. So seeing her relatively comfortable on the swings at the park by our house is a pretty big deal.
We did a day of exploring a few weeks back. We drove out towards Banff with intentions of having a picnic there, but it started raining when we got to Canmore.
We stopped off at this hiking area to have a look and to sit and stare in awe at the profound beauty of the mountains! It's SO nice to be so close to them again after the flat (ish) lands of Quebec.
We looked at a great campground right beside the Bow River. We're hoping to actually go camping there some time.
After realizing we wouldn't be picnicking in Banff, we stopped in at the Tourist Info Center and got some information about the area. We decided to try driving up a mountain road and see where we ended up (sort of). Just as we started our ascent, we spotted this guy and his pal on the side of the road!!
This was the initial view of the mountains that we were going to drive around. How could a person not be compelled to carry on??!
The road took us all through the mountains and past many hiking, camping and day use spots we'll keep in mind for the future. At the end of the road, just before we were turning onto a little highway, we came across this big group of sheep! How exciting for the girls to see them huddled on the side of the road after seeing so many signs warning of sheep crossings!
Adam decided he needed some fresh water from the river, so we stopped here to gather a drink. I just can't get enough of all the mountains and trees and wildflowers all over the place. It's truly breath-taking.
We bought the girls a little fishing rod each and headed down to the Bow River to do a bit of fishing one afternoon. We were told that this was an ideal spot to catch fish, but we came away completely skunked.
The girls had a great time and Calli spotted a little fox on the other side of the river!! She was pretty excited to be the one to see it first... I can't wait until they catch a fish the first time.
The river was pretty cold, but that didn't stop them from putting their feet in to get the rod closer to the fish!
Marin had more fun picking rocks and throwing them back into the river than she did actually fishing. She is constantly searching for the perfect, amazing rock to add to her collection.
We took the kids to Calaway Park one afternoon. One of our friends told the girls about this wonderful place and they wouldn't stop talking about it and begging to go, so we finally gave in and took them. They had such a fun day. Here is Marin driving us around the track. She really thought she was driving the car, so it made it that much more fun for all of us!!
Because they were too short to go on the big roller coaster, they got to go on a mini roller coaster, which was just perfect!! They had SO much fun and screamed so loud that the cute little guys behind them told them the screaming was hurting their ears! I think the girls just screamed louder...
Earlier in the day, Calli and Adam went on the bigger version of this swing and had a great time, but Marin was left out of the fun, so she was pretty happy when we found a smaller version of it and she could go on with her sister!
Adam was such a good sport and took the kids on this crazy spinning ride. I didn't know that Adam doesn't really like spinning things, but he'll do almost anything for his kids and you can see that in their faces AND in his face in these two photos!

Earlier in the day, Calli and Adam went on the bigger version of this swing and had a great time, but Marin was left out of the fun, so she was pretty happy when we found a smaller version of it and she could go on with her sister!

We loved seeing you and look forward to more "weekends" together! Time truly stood still!
M,D,E & E