I'm still trying to catch up. Here are a few more things that happened before we left our lovely home in Montreal and headed West.
This little bee landed on our window one afternoon, sending Marin into a panic, as she thought he'd landed inside our house!!
Our lovely neighbours' dog had 8 puppies a few weeks before we left. Calli and Marin spent a lot of time heading next door to visit/play with the puppies. Then one day, Sylvie brought 2 of the puppies over to play at our house for 1/2 an hour. We very nearly kept them...
They were too cute for words and made themselves comfortable chewing on everything in sight! Including Marins' pants...

This year we finally participated in our town's annual Cyclo-Tour. We had a choice to cycle 11km or 22km and for some reason, once we reached the 11km mark, we decided to carry on and do the full 22km, switching off pulling the bike trailer every 5km or so. Over 1200 riders joined in the tour and we are really glad we did it this year!!

Once we arrived back at the park where we started, we waited in a line up for over an hour for the girls to have their faces painted... Luckily, they turned out pretty cute!

We had a great lobster feast before we left as well!! Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia came and spent the weekend with us and Raffi bravely cooked all the poor little lobsters up for us.
I know I already posted about having Sofia stay with us for a few days, but I couldn't resist posting this sweet little picture of Marin and Sofia in the tub!!
There is also this cute video of Sofia counting before sliding down the slide at the EcoMuseum. My camera wouldn't upload it to the computer before, for some reason....but it's working now!
Uncle Colin came to Montreal for a conference during the last week that we were in the house. The girls were so excited to see him, they each made him a cake and decorated them in their own styles. Extra sprinkles anyone??
While Calli was off at school one afternoon, Marin and I took Colin along the horse trail for the last time. What a beautiful day for a walk.
This is Calli before hopping on the bus for her last day of Kindergarten. She ended up running into a horizontal bar on the "big toy" after school and giving herself a massive bleeding nose. I had a phone call from the office around 3:30pm, assuring me that Calli was ok, but that she was, they felt, too shaken to ride the bus home. So I drove over to pick her up and yes, she was shaken. I'd never seen Calli in such a state!! The poor girl was silent and unsmiling and quite upset that she got blood all over her I heart Paris t-shirt. However, once off the school grounds and in her own house, she was back to her own bubbly self again.
Adam, Marin, Grandma and I all got to go to the school for her End of the Year concert later on in the day. There were bouncy castles and slides to jump through and on and cotton candy for the kids!! Conveniently, the whole thing happened on Calli's actual last day of school, so it was a great send-off for her!
We had a good giggle seeing all the kids with blue teeth and faces and frantic parents running to the washroom trying to wash it all off! Key word being "trying..." That stuff took some man-power to wash off!
The local Fire Department brought a few of their trucks over for the kids to climb on, so Calli and Marin took full opportunity to do just that.
We had a lovely last visit with Katrina and Roland and the kids before we headed West. Calli and Gus are sure going to miss each other.

Adam's Mom has been doing a whole lot of genealogy work regarding Adam's Dad's side of the family. She managed to find some information on their long lost Great-grandfather, who, it turns out, is buried in the Mont Royal cemetery in Montreal. When Joanne came to pick the girls up for their trip to BC, we paid a quick visit to the cemetery to find the grave. Although it took us a while, we finally found it and had a little moment to ourselves.

This is a photo of the girls before we drove to the Montreal airport and sent them off with Grandma for a few weeks in BC. Their last day at their old house.
One of the conditions of the sale of our house was having the pool ready for the new owners to swim in. After the snow melted, we realized there was a tear in the pool liner, about a foot or so long. We called a repair guy who came by and determined it would be impossible to fix the tear. So off Adam went to the pool store and ordered a new liner to be installed. He picked the most basic liner possible and it was installed a few days later. The pool took almost 3 full days to fill and Adam was determined to swim in it before we moved out. The sun barely had a chance to warm the water, but Adam did what he said he would and had a very quick "dip" in the new pool! We'll sure miss all the great afternoons we spent in there...
I'll be back...........
This little bee landed on our window one afternoon, sending Marin into a panic, as she thought he'd landed inside our house!!

This year we finally participated in our town's annual Cyclo-Tour. We had a choice to cycle 11km or 22km and for some reason, once we reached the 11km mark, we decided to carry on and do the full 22km, switching off pulling the bike trailer every 5km or so. Over 1200 riders joined in the tour and we are really glad we did it this year!!

Once we arrived back at the park where we started, we waited in a line up for over an hour for the girls to have their faces painted... Luckily, they turned out pretty cute!

We had a great lobster feast before we left as well!! Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia came and spent the weekend with us and Raffi bravely cooked all the poor little lobsters up for us.

Uncle Colin came to Montreal for a conference during the last week that we were in the house. The girls were so excited to see him, they each made him a cake and decorated them in their own styles. Extra sprinkles anyone??

Adam's Mom has been doing a whole lot of genealogy work regarding Adam's Dad's side of the family. She managed to find some information on their long lost Great-grandfather, who, it turns out, is buried in the Mont Royal cemetery in Montreal. When Joanne came to pick the girls up for their trip to BC, we paid a quick visit to the cemetery to find the grave. Although it took us a while, we finally found it and had a little moment to ourselves.

The story is much broader than I am telling it, but it's a story for another time...
