Paris Holiday part 2
To carry on from the last post...
This video is from the top of the Eiffel Tower, a little commentary from Calli. Marin's annoyance at the end is very cute!!
Adam discovered he could do very well with only a tiny cup of "Cafe express" while we were in Paris, in comparison to the many coffees he consumes throughout the day at home. He loves it and the girls thought it was cool that each espresso comes with it's own little sugar packet and a chocolate or sometimes a cookie.
We were able to take a trip up to the top of the Arc de Triomphe this visit. With strollers, a person has much better access to some of the sights in Paris, breezing swiftly to the front of the line, or up secret elevators. Although, I was very disappointed at the Metro system and the lack of stroller/wheelchair access. I carried Marin throughout the train system, up and down stairs, while Adam managed the strollers with Kevin's help. Adam and Kevin each took their turn with Marin as well. She is like molasses in the winter on stairs...
Uncle Kevin kept the girls well entertained on the train rides and in between stations as well. Here they are playing Super Monkey Ball on his iPhone with some lovely live entertainment in the background.
The girls looking very small in front of the Arc de Triomphe, just as we turned to hear the crunch of a nice Lamborghini and a Smart car in a little accident. Let's just say the Smart car fared better than the sports car...even though it was the Lamborghini's fault.
The girls had a great time at the top of the Arc and picking out as many sights as they could down below.
These are the sights you can see from one side of the Arc de Triomphe.
Adam was asked to find a book for a work colleague and we managed to find the store, without too much trouble. It ended up being a floating store and we were disappointed by the amount of garbage floating on the banks of the river. There were a few pairs of Mallard ducks swimming among the garbage, which kept the girls entertained, but made me feel sorry for them. The ducks, that is.
On another visit to the Arc de Triomphe, we saw the French flag flying from within it. It was a very striking moment to see the flag billowing through the arch.
Adam and I decided to return to one of our favourite districts we found last time we were in Paris. The St-Germaine-des-Pres district has a multitude of different restaurants and shops and has such cool ambiance. Restaurant owners hang out on the narrow pedestrian sidewalks and try to entice the customers in with really good deals. We passed a Greek place where the guy explained the amazing menu for only 9 Euros and 2 free glasses of wine! We continued walking and about 2 stores up, a woman stood there and said, "Exactly what he said, only better."
The Pont Alexandre. The most beautiful bridge in Paris. Calli drew this one over and over again on her sketch pad. She thought it was extra cool because one of her classmates is named Alexandre, so she dedicated all of her drawings to him.
We took L'Open Tour, hop on, hop off bus tour around the city. The girls thought it was pretty cool to be in an open top double decker bus. We have been on this bus a few times. It's a great way to see the city and to be able to get on and off and see the sights is a great idea.
Here is Calli running along the Isle de Grenelle towards the Eiffel Tower at the other end. Behind us is the original depiction of the Statue of Liberty.
We opted to look inside this sketchy looking church somewhere in Paris and discovered a really beautiful spot! When we were heading in to check it out, Sunday mass was being let out, so we got to hear the organ playing as the priest exited the church and shook hands with the people leaving.
Kevin wasn't with us the day that we went up the Arc de Triomphe, so we returned another day and Calli offered to go up with him so he could use the elevator. Adam stood on the corner of Champs Elysees and L'Etoile to spot them and he found them!
This is the view from Kevin's hotel room window. How would you like to live in that place? Cute and squishy. Just like my kids!!
Along with our L'Open Tour bus tickets, we were able to hop on and off the river boat tour as well. We took full advantage of this for 2 days. It was really neat to see everything from another perspective. We hopped off at Notre Dame for a break.
Marin and Calli waiting for the next boat to come along and pick us up from the banks of the Seine.

The girls each had a few Euro from Granny to spend however they wanted and they chose to buy these big Eiffel Towers for themselves.

Another day at Trocadero. Birds have such a wonderful perspective.
Marin, the non-vegetable eater, will probably move to Paris some day. Where else can a girl eat pain au chocolat for breakfast, baguettes for lunch and fries for dinner? Here she is spooning her melted vanilla ice cream onto her baguette.

We passed by the Louvre this time. We figured the kids should be a bit older before we take them inside. There is so much to see in there and it would be more worth it if they older and able to be inspired themselves.
The gorgeous Louis Vuitton store on Champs Elysees. We browsed around in there and I very nearly bought my Mum a scarf, but the colours were all wrong. It was only 110 Euro! In the bargain bin!!
There was a mass being performed in Notre Dame during our visit. We wandered through regardless and it was such a neat atmosphere to be a part of. That is another place that never ceases to amaze me.
Calli was intent on dancing under the Eiffel Tower at night, so here she is doing just that...
During our river tour, we were surprised at how many permanent boat residences there are along the river. We were also surprised at how many people hang out along the banks (mostly cement) of the river on a nice day, reading, suntanning, drinking, observing...
Notre Dame from the side street where we had espresso and juice and the juice cost 5 Euros a bottle. Adam nearly came unglued...I wasn't far behind.
Before we left home, I booked a horse and carriage ride through the streets of Paris. Apparently, this is the only horse who is allowed to do this, so we got a LOT of stares as our horse galloped through the streets of Paris.

The girls learned this funny song at Montessori and got a real kick out of singing it while the horse trotted along.
I took this video so you could get a glance at the horse and carriage in the shop windows.
But what an experience. The girls were giddy with excitement and ultra-grateful for the whole trip.
Our last evening in Paris, we went to Trocadero again to watch the sun go down and the lights of the Eiffel Tower come up. It was beautiful to see how the sun seemed just to tickle the tops of the city and emanate a wonderful glow.

There you have it! We had so much fun and the kids are such easy travellers that I'm sure this isn't the last time you'll see us headed out somewhere!!

Adam discovered he could do very well with only a tiny cup of "Cafe express" while we were in Paris, in comparison to the many coffees he consumes throughout the day at home. He loves it and the girls thought it was cool that each espresso comes with it's own little sugar packet and a chocolate or sometimes a cookie.

Uncle Kevin kept the girls well entertained on the train rides and in between stations as well. Here they are playing Super Monkey Ball on his iPhone with some lovely live entertainment in the background.
The girls looking very small in front of the Arc de Triomphe, just as we turned to hear the crunch of a nice Lamborghini and a Smart car in a little accident. Let's just say the Smart car fared better than the sports car...even though it was the Lamborghini's fault.

I love this photo!

The girls each had a few Euro from Granny to spend however they wanted and they chose to buy these big Eiffel Towers for themselves.

Another day at Trocadero. Birds have such a wonderful perspective.

Calli was full of sugar and in a crazy mood on this evening!

Notre Dame from the other side of the river.

I took this video so you could get a glance at the horse and carriage in the shop windows.
But what an experience. The girls were giddy with excitement and ultra-grateful for the whole trip.
