25 Random Things
I took these photos when we were in BC a few weeks ago for my Grandma's funeral. We were out visiting Oma and Opa at their house in the country and decided to drive the extra 2 minutes to have a look at the Mighty Fraser River. Even though it is partly frozen, it still looks amazing in all it's winter splendor.

There is a facebook thing going around where you have to post 25 random things about yourself and then "tag" 25 more people to do the same. I'm going to forgo the "tagging" and just let you read my 25 things. I'm just that kind of girl!!
1. I am not a fan of swimming in lakes. I prefer the Ocean.
2. I have extremely sensitive feelings. I take things WAY too personally and hold grudges for a very long time.
3. Calli, my oldest daughter, was named after a great friend of ours. I discovered Marins' name when I was travelling in Germany while 7 months pregnant. We were in a really touristy area of the Black Forest and there was a stand of various crappy tourist memorabilia and on a card describing the meaning of individual names, I came across Maren. I modified it to Marin and that is what she was named!
4. I knew both times that I was having a girl. The first time was a hunch and the second time I found out from the ultra-sound, but had a "feeling" before the results.
5. I adored living in Powell River for 4 years. The Ocean and I have a connection and I found Powell River to be very soothing and wonderful.
6. I miss certain people (friends) from my past and even though I am open about my feelings and will profess them any chance I have, I have learned to hold back a bit. Not everybody feels the same and I am no good at not having feelings reciprocated. See #2.
7. I can't really imagine my life without my husband. He knows how to calm me and make me laugh.
8. I think I want to be a photographer when I grow up. I'm just not sure when that is going to happen.
9. I have Crohns Disease and have struggled with it for 20 years now. I am more than fed up of doctors rolling their eyes at me when I explain that I am on natural therapies that have done more good than western medicine. I hate having to justify my reasons for keeping myself healthy.
10. I'd like to do the West Coast trail. Soon.
11. I love listening to my music very, very loud. I like singing and dancing while making supper, but my children don't always appreciate the volume.
12. I love that Calli appreciates all forms of music and that she can sing a Dropkick Murphys song from start to finish!
13. I feel like I lost myself about 6 years ago and when I look in the mirror I am often surprised at the person looking back at me. I'd like to find "me" again, but can't seem to find the time to do it. Pitiful.
14. I love travelling. I would do it 24/7 if I had the choice/opportunity/funds/time. There is a kids program on tv about these 2 very lucky kids who travel the world and do little segments with activities from each place they visit. I wish my kids could have those experiences.
15. I hate spiders. I try not to show my fear to my kids and I try and teach them that they are allowed to kill or remove bugs from inside the house (because it's our house), but that they should leave the ones outside to fend for themselves (because it's their house). I saw the largest spider of my life so far in our house in Powell River just after we'd moved in. My cat, Wickett, sat on the kitchen floor meowing at this giant creature, too afraid to actually eat it or even touch it!!
16. I get annoyed when people choose how to spell my name, instead of just asking. I also do not like when people hyphenate my name or choose to shorten it to Jenny, with a Y. WTF? To me, there is no Y in Jenni. Is that so hard to understand?
17. I am envious of Adam's tight group of friends. I feel that I have lots of friends, but no core group that I am super tight with. I still haven't figured out what my problem is.
18. I love concerts. I haven't been to one in FAR too long and I have a long list of people/bands I'd actually like to see.
19. I started knitting just after I found out my Dad had cancer and found that it really took my mind off the fear and pain that I felt all through his illness and eventual death. I still knit almost every evening and find that it really de-stresses me. I am now teaching myself to crochet.
20. I really want to go back to being a vegetarian and will probably try and make the transition sometime this year. It's just better all around.
21. I have a child who doesn't eat vegetables. This is very challenging for me and probably one of the hardest things I have to deal with on a daily basis. It is hard when everyone has an opinion about how I could "sneak" stuff into her food or perhaps try harder. I would like to switch places with these opinionated people and see how far they get with her.
22. I love biking and hiking and would really like to get back into cross-country skiing. I just need some company.
23. I love aged cheddar cheese. The older the better.
24. I am jealous of the way Adam can fall asleep within minutes of laying his head anywhere. Lately, I can fall asleep much quicker than I ever have before, but he still beats me to the Land of Nod. :)
25. I have the best hairdresser in the world. Go figure, since we are moving. I might just fly back to Montreal for my appointments. She is worth it.

There is a facebook thing going around where you have to post 25 random things about yourself and then "tag" 25 more people to do the same. I'm going to forgo the "tagging" and just let you read my 25 things. I'm just that kind of girl!!
1. I am not a fan of swimming in lakes. I prefer the Ocean.
2. I have extremely sensitive feelings. I take things WAY too personally and hold grudges for a very long time.
3. Calli, my oldest daughter, was named after a great friend of ours. I discovered Marins' name when I was travelling in Germany while 7 months pregnant. We were in a really touristy area of the Black Forest and there was a stand of various crappy tourist memorabilia and on a card describing the meaning of individual names, I came across Maren. I modified it to Marin and that is what she was named!
4. I knew both times that I was having a girl. The first time was a hunch and the second time I found out from the ultra-sound, but had a "feeling" before the results.
5. I adored living in Powell River for 4 years. The Ocean and I have a connection and I found Powell River to be very soothing and wonderful.
6. I miss certain people (friends) from my past and even though I am open about my feelings and will profess them any chance I have, I have learned to hold back a bit. Not everybody feels the same and I am no good at not having feelings reciprocated. See #2.
7. I can't really imagine my life without my husband. He knows how to calm me and make me laugh.
8. I think I want to be a photographer when I grow up. I'm just not sure when that is going to happen.
9. I have Crohns Disease and have struggled with it for 20 years now. I am more than fed up of doctors rolling their eyes at me when I explain that I am on natural therapies that have done more good than western medicine. I hate having to justify my reasons for keeping myself healthy.
10. I'd like to do the West Coast trail. Soon.
11. I love listening to my music very, very loud. I like singing and dancing while making supper, but my children don't always appreciate the volume.
12. I love that Calli appreciates all forms of music and that she can sing a Dropkick Murphys song from start to finish!
13. I feel like I lost myself about 6 years ago and when I look in the mirror I am often surprised at the person looking back at me. I'd like to find "me" again, but can't seem to find the time to do it. Pitiful.
14. I love travelling. I would do it 24/7 if I had the choice/opportunity/funds/time. There is a kids program on tv about these 2 very lucky kids who travel the world and do little segments with activities from each place they visit. I wish my kids could have those experiences.
15. I hate spiders. I try not to show my fear to my kids and I try and teach them that they are allowed to kill or remove bugs from inside the house (because it's our house), but that they should leave the ones outside to fend for themselves (because it's their house). I saw the largest spider of my life so far in our house in Powell River just after we'd moved in. My cat, Wickett, sat on the kitchen floor meowing at this giant creature, too afraid to actually eat it or even touch it!!
16. I get annoyed when people choose how to spell my name, instead of just asking. I also do not like when people hyphenate my name or choose to shorten it to Jenny, with a Y. WTF? To me, there is no Y in Jenni. Is that so hard to understand?
17. I am envious of Adam's tight group of friends. I feel that I have lots of friends, but no core group that I am super tight with. I still haven't figured out what my problem is.
18. I love concerts. I haven't been to one in FAR too long and I have a long list of people/bands I'd actually like to see.
19. I started knitting just after I found out my Dad had cancer and found that it really took my mind off the fear and pain that I felt all through his illness and eventual death. I still knit almost every evening and find that it really de-stresses me. I am now teaching myself to crochet.
20. I really want to go back to being a vegetarian and will probably try and make the transition sometime this year. It's just better all around.
21. I have a child who doesn't eat vegetables. This is very challenging for me and probably one of the hardest things I have to deal with on a daily basis. It is hard when everyone has an opinion about how I could "sneak" stuff into her food or perhaps try harder. I would like to switch places with these opinionated people and see how far they get with her.
22. I love biking and hiking and would really like to get back into cross-country skiing. I just need some company.
23. I love aged cheddar cheese. The older the better.
24. I am jealous of the way Adam can fall asleep within minutes of laying his head anywhere. Lately, I can fall asleep much quicker than I ever have before, but he still beats me to the Land of Nod. :)
25. I have the best hairdresser in the world. Go figure, since we are moving. I might just fly back to Montreal for my appointments. She is worth it.
Loved the update and I learned a few new things.
As for good friends, you rank high on my list, so hopefully you feel the same about me! I miss our PR times together, and maybe we will be able to see each other more now that you are moving west!
Miss you
M-J xo