All Hallowed Out
We had a great Halloween this year!! We carved our pumpkins on Monday before Adam went to work and they survived the whole week without rotting!!
Adam tried a whole new approach this year and made his pretty scary! He is especially proud of the lightning bolt eyebrows.

I did something I'd never done before and skinned some of the features for effect. I also added little horns, but they shrivelled over the course of the week.
This is Calli's pumpkin. She drew a face on and Adam carved it for her. She then added the "blood" coming out of it's eyes, nose and mouth...nice Calli.
Marin's was carved by me. She wanted the eyes to be just like the ones on my pumpkin and we improvised on the rest. Both girls did a great job of cleaning out their pumpkins this year!! I know Calli wasn't brave enough last year to do it on her own, so she's made progress.
Here are the girls pumpkins all lit up on Halloween. I had fake spider webs covering some of my pumpkin, that's what the drippy looking stuff is on it's right side.
Calli had to go to school in regular clothes and then change in the afternoon to participate in the activities at her school. She loved being able to wear her makeup on the bus. (Can you believe that those pumpkins were only $2.00 each!!!)
There are 6 Kindergarten classes in the school and each one visited the other classes where they partook in different crafts and activities. Calli made this spider hat in one of the classes and came home with a brown bag full of a variety of crafts. In the afternoon once all the kids were dressed up they had a little parade and sang all the Halloween songs that they'd been learning.
Here is a picture of Calli during our "trial run" with the regal looking makeup to match her Queen dress.
Marin was allowed to dress up in the morning to attend class, so she was in full Angel Fairy mode when she arrived. This was her "trial run" with costume and makeup. We changed the makeup a bit on the actual day, but Marin was happy to tell everyone that she'd done a "trial run."
This is Marin shortly after arriving at school and seeing some of the other kids' costumes! She insisted on wearing her new red sparkle shoes...Thank you Granny!
I decided to make cupcakes for the class party. I'm glad I did because all the other kids handed out special treat bags to their classmates. Is this something I should know about? Or is it a Quebec thing?

One of Marin's classmates was dressed up in this!!! Isn't it great! I think it was the best costume I saw all day!
Here is a half shot of the rest of her class all dressed up. The little girl to the left of the Cat in the Hat was a mouse ballerina, the girl on the right was Annie, complete with Sandy the dog and a microphone. There were 2 Princesses, a girl riding a unicorn, a transformer, a tiger, a witch and a Fireman (not in the photo). They were all so sweet!
After school, Uncle Kevin arrived and helped us prepare for the arrival of Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia as well as Katrina, Roland, Gus, Sarah and Katrina's parents who had come from Halifax to join us!
The kids were giddy with excitement and eager to get out and get some candy! Here is our traditional pre-trick or treating photo! Sarah went as Belle, Sofia was a sweet little pumpkin, Marin as an Angel Fairy, Calli as a Queen and Gus as Anakin Skywalker from the Attack of the Clones cartoon Star Wars movie.
We went to quite a few houses and Sofia did a great job trick or treating!!
Marin had a bit of a time catching up to the older kids, but trucked along nonetheless and did her thing. She made herself right at home at this house and stood inside the doorway to collect her treats.
There is Uncle Kevin helping Sofia and Marin get candy from this very scary house!!
Once we got home, we checked all the candy and allowed the kids to have a bit to eat. Sofia loved having this sucker....
...and shared it with Marin on the couch....
We really noticed this time how close Marin and Sofia are. Calli didn't spend a whole lot of time with the two younger ones this visit, which I suppose is to be expected.
Here is Marin sneaking another candy. She isn't all that sneaky though because she always leaves the wrappers in her wake.
Calli loved her dress SO much that she put it on for breakfast the next morning. We had to explain to her that the Queen would never be caught eating her Lemon/Blueberry pancakes from her knife....she didn't seem to believe us!!
Adam tried a whole new approach this year and made his pretty scary! He is especially proud of the lightning bolt eyebrows.

I did something I'd never done before and skinned some of the features for effect. I also added little horns, but they shrivelled over the course of the week.

One of Marin's classmates was dressed up in this!!! Isn't it great! I think it was the best costume I saw all day!

The kids were giddy with excitement and eager to get out and get some candy! Here is our traditional pre-trick or treating photo! Sarah went as Belle, Sofia was a sweet little pumpkin, Marin as an Angel Fairy, Calli as a Queen and Gus as Anakin Skywalker from the Attack of the Clones cartoon Star Wars movie.

Marin looks really grown up in the picture with the make-up. I thought she was Calli on first glance.