As is normal for this province, Fall was spectacular. We made the most of the beautiful air by taking walks and playing in the leaves. On our favourite back trail near our house, we came across this lovely bit of nature. I loved that there was only this bit of red along the entire length of the fence.
This is the view we see each day when taking Calli to pre-school. It almost doesn't seem real with all those colours mixed in together!!
We took a drive one afternoon to head out to where all the maple farms are and see if we could see anything amazing. There were beautiful colours all around us and fields and fields of dried corn, which we assume are maize for the animals...We borrowed a few cobs for our Fall altar!
This is along the Highway going West. I want it to be clear that I haven't altered these pictures in any way. This is the way the trees and colours are if you were staring at them with your naked eye! Or your clothed one.... Either way, it's stunning!
We spent a lot of time at the park this month making the most of the area before winter arrives and it's too cold to grasp the monkey bars. This is an extremely rare photo of Marin smiling normally! The girls love each other like crazy. Every day when we pick Calli up from pre-school, Marin runs up and gives Calli a giant hug unless Calli beats her to it!! It's lovely. I just hope it continues as they grow up!

We went to our friends house for dinner one evening and Katrina raked up a huge pile of leaves for the kids to jump in. They had so much fun and even buried Katrina in them! Calli and Gus still get along very well, but I think they are finding that boys and girls like playing different things. Gus doesn't want to play Barbies and Calli doesn't want to play Pirates. I'm sure they'll find some common ground. Sometimes they get into dress-up clothes and Calli is the distressed Princess aboard the Pirate ship. It works.
Maple leaves and Fall weather. Fall is truly my favourite time of year. It's so beautiful out here with the colours. I actually enjoy the transition from warm to cool weather as well. We didn't have such a big definition of temperatures at this time of year when we were in PR so I quite like this.
We went to a lovely local and very French farm near our house to pick out our pumpkins this year. They were already pre-picked but they had a HUGE selection of sizes for us to choose from. Adam, Calli and I each picked out really big pumpkins and a few little ones for the altar and Marin chose this one!! She kept a very close eye on her pumpkin and instead of carving it on Halloween, she chose to paint it. It was a beautiful purple, green, orange, blue and yellow abstract pumpkin. She was very meticulous with her painting and covered every inch of it in paint.

Here is my creation this year. Seeing as it had a natural defect, I thought I'd take the gory route this year and gave my pumpkin a smashed in eye, complete with pumpkin "guts" coming out and fake vampire blood for effect! It was a big hit! Pardon the pun...

Calli was a Cloud Princess this year. We found the dress in the last store we looked in and it was a Barbie brand Pegasus dress? and said Cloud Princess on it, so that's what we went with. I bought a pair of wings to go along with the outfit and covered them in cotton wool for the cloud effect. I think they looked quite sweet with the completed outfit. Calli was most excited to wear sparkle gel spray in her hair, but was feeling nervous about going to school and having all the kids tell her how beautiful she looked!! Not sure how to take that. She really did look amazing though!
Here are Marin (the unicorn), Calli (Cloud Princess), Sarah (Blue Princess) and Gus (Jack Sparrow) all ready to go out trick or treating! The kids were eager to get going, so I couldn't get a good shot of the spooky entrance to our house with them in front of it! Auntie Gillian, Calli and I spent a bit of time making it festive. People are really into decorating their houses out here.
Marins' bag got pretty full after a few houses. She was too shy to say Trick or Treat to the neighbours, so instead she would place her bag at the doorstep and then walk away!! Once the candy was placed in it, she'd pick it up, say Thank You and leave! It was priceless. But soon it became too heavy to carry. I offered to take it for her and she said "NO! I do it my SELF!" So because she couldn't lift the bag, she dragged it along the ground. People were chuckling, but it didn't stop her. She was getting the hang of Trick or Treating and wasn't going to let a heavily laden bag stop her!!
Nellie had a costume, but wasn't too thrilled about wearing it, so it stayed home.
This is Gus, Calli, Auntie Gillian, Sofia (a dinosaur), Sarah, Katrina and Marin after getting treats from someone. We lucked out with the weather this year and it was quite mild, so hats and snowsuits under the costumes weren't necessary!! All in all it was a great Halloween! We loved having Sofia and Auntie Gillian stay with us for a few days and help out with getting everything ready. It was a great time!

We went to our friends house for dinner one evening and Katrina raked up a huge pile of leaves for the kids to jump in. They had so much fun and even buried Katrina in them! Calli and Gus still get along very well, but I think they are finding that boys and girls like playing different things. Gus doesn't want to play Barbies and Calli doesn't want to play Pirates. I'm sure they'll find some common ground. Sometimes they get into dress-up clothes and Calli is the distressed Princess aboard the Pirate ship. It works.

Here is my creation this year. Seeing as it had a natural defect, I thought I'd take the gory route this year and gave my pumpkin a smashed in eye, complete with pumpkin "guts" coming out and fake vampire blood for effect! It was a big hit! Pardon the pun...

Calli was a Cloud Princess this year. We found the dress in the last store we looked in and it was a Barbie brand Pegasus dress? and said Cloud Princess on it, so that's what we went with. I bought a pair of wings to go along with the outfit and covered them in cotton wool for the cloud effect. I think they looked quite sweet with the completed outfit. Calli was most excited to wear sparkle gel spray in her hair, but was feeling nervous about going to school and having all the kids tell her how beautiful she looked!! Not sure how to take that. She really did look amazing though!

Nellie had a costume, but wasn't too thrilled about wearing it, so it stayed home.

Auntie Gillian, Uncle Raffi and Sofia
Halloween looks like it was so much fun, that dinosaur was the smallest one I have seen! Cute!
Nobody goes trick-or-treating here- it's a bummer because I LOVE to see the kids in their costumes. Looks like you had a blast!
Happy Autumn
Loved the Costumes, the girls (and boy) are so sweet!
Finally... your pumpkin ROCKED!
Miss you