I Keep on falling...
Lately it seems, around every corner you turn, you'll hear people commenting on how they cannot believe Summer is already over. I usually share in this feeling, but this year is different for some reason. I feel like we had a really "full" Summer, if I can call it that. We were busy and did all the summer things we had time for. I don't feel cheated by Fall at all. I am slightly biased, as I LOVE Fall the most.
I have also shared Calli's back to pre-school excitement this year. She was eager to see all her friends and be in the "morning class." The whole dynamic of school changed for her this year, as she is now one of the older kids! Last year, she was the youngest, so now she'll face a bit more responsibility with the younger ones in the school, which is pretty exciting for her as well.
Yes, it is amazing how fast time does seem to be flying, but for once I feel like it's ok. I've lived each day to the fullest and I'm satisfied going into another Fall season.
This blog is a little catch up on all the events/favourite photos that I haven't posted yet.
We bought Marin a tricycle for $1 from a garage sale just down the street this summer. Calli never had a tricycle and is making up for lost time every time she has the chance! As I've said before, it isn't hard to get Marin to wear her helmet. She is a girl who cannot stand disorder
and who knows that helmets are an integral part of tricycle riding or Chariot passenger-eering. Unfortunately, Marin hasn't figured out the whole pedal part of riding her trike, but she certainly does a great job of looking the part!!

We went to Kingston one afternoon to see Kevin and Chelsea. While there, we headed over to the park for a little play time. Uncle Kevin showed us a fascinating "fountain." As you can see
from the picture, it is a large culvert? cauldron? pot? of water with a "fountain-type" spray coming up from the grate that you walk over. Confused? Marin figured it out relatively quickly, with a little help from her Dad, who is a 5 year old at heart!! Adam was demonstrating to the kids how it is possible to push the fountain spray down with their hands. Marin got the hand of it and was soaked in no time! You can dress the girl up...

We spent a lovely hour hanging out at the park while the girls ran around and tried out each and every toy there. On the way back, they hopped on the swings for a ride. It was strange for
me looking at the pictures of them together on the swings and realizing that my little baby isn't so baby-ish anymore. She corrects me each time I call her baby in any endearing way. "No Mom. I big girl." She insists on using a "big girl cup" in place of asippy cup and everything is "No. My do it self." (sigh)

My other big girl is so full of life and attitude and curiosity. She remembers everything. When we went out for a walk, Adam picked a cat tail each for the girls and showed them how to open them up and see the "fluff." He taught Calli to open it using a 'snake bite.' Calli remembered that Uncle Todd showed her how to perform a snake bite on someones arm and quickly employed the stinging method to the unsuspecting cat tail.

After building the dog house, Adam came to the realization (not on his own...) that he might have made it a bit too big for Nellie. I had also convinced him that perhaps we should move the dog house onto the deck, as Nellie was spending next to NO time in the house while it was tucked away in the back yard. His plan was just to take a little off the sides...but once he'd started taking it apart, he realized the whole thing was infested with ants, as it had been sitting on a giant ant hill by the shed. Therefore, he was forced to take the whole thing apart and start all over again. Which he did.

He completed the new version the same day and I helped him haul it up onto the deck, nearly getting crushed in the move. Marin took an immediate liking to the finished product and Nellie did not...

...she chose to become a Lounge Dog instead.

Why won't she sleep in this lovely piece of work? We are stumped. However, we have taken the sympathetic route and have now decided to move the house even closer to our patio doors, in hopes that if Nellie has a clear view of us in our house, she'll be content to spend time in hers. We started with it here and moved it to the position above (for those who have been to our house) and will now move it beside the patio doors.

We spent an evening in St-Anne de Bellevue with our friends a few weeks ago. I have included a link to those who are interested in learning more about the oldest community in Montreals' West Island. It is a lovely community and FULL of people and tourists walking along the canal in the summer-time!

That is it for today. We are busy planning for our big European Trip in a few more weeks. Be prepared for a MAJOR blog once we return!
In the meantime, I hope you have had a wonderful, full Summer and are looking forward, with a smile, to the return of Fall. I am eager to see the leaves changing colour again and to take in the beauty and wonder of the changing seasons in Quebec. Next to the maple syrup and beer in the corner and grocery stores, I think it's what I like best about living here!!
I have also shared Calli's back to pre-school excitement this year. She was eager to see all her friends and be in the "morning class." The whole dynamic of school changed for her this year, as she is now one of the older kids! Last year, she was the youngest, so now she'll face a bit more responsibility with the younger ones in the school, which is pretty exciting for her as well.
Yes, it is amazing how fast time does seem to be flying, but for once I feel like it's ok. I've lived each day to the fullest and I'm satisfied going into another Fall season.
This blog is a little catch up on all the events/favourite photos that I haven't posted yet.
We bought Marin a tricycle for $1 from a garage sale just down the street this summer. Calli never had a tricycle and is making up for lost time every time she has the chance! As I've said before, it isn't hard to get Marin to wear her helmet. She is a girl who cannot stand disorder
and who knows that helmets are an integral part of tricycle riding or Chariot passenger-eering. Unfortunately, Marin hasn't figured out the whole pedal part of riding her trike, but she certainly does a great job of looking the part!!

We went to Kingston one afternoon to see Kevin and Chelsea. While there, we headed over to the park for a little play time. Uncle Kevin showed us a fascinating "fountain." As you can see
from the picture, it is a large culvert? cauldron? pot? of water with a "fountain-type" spray coming up from the grate that you walk over. Confused? Marin figured it out relatively quickly, with a little help from her Dad, who is a 5 year old at heart!! Adam was demonstrating to the kids how it is possible to push the fountain spray down with their hands. Marin got the hand of it and was soaked in no time! You can dress the girl up...

We spent a lovely hour hanging out at the park while the girls ran around and tried out each and every toy there. On the way back, they hopped on the swings for a ride. It was strange for
me looking at the pictures of them together on the swings and realizing that my little baby isn't so baby-ish anymore. She corrects me each time I call her baby in any endearing way. "No Mom. I big girl." She insists on using a "big girl cup" in place of asippy cup and everything is "No. My do it self." (sigh)

My other big girl is so full of life and attitude and curiosity. She remembers everything. When we went out for a walk, Adam picked a cat tail each for the girls and showed them how to open them up and see the "fluff." He taught Calli to open it using a 'snake bite.' Calli remembered that Uncle Todd showed her how to perform a snake bite on someones arm and quickly employed the stinging method to the unsuspecting cat tail.

After building the dog house, Adam came to the realization (not on his own...) that he might have made it a bit too big for Nellie. I had also convinced him that perhaps we should move the dog house onto the deck, as Nellie was spending next to NO time in the house while it was tucked away in the back yard. His plan was just to take a little off the sides...but once he'd started taking it apart, he realized the whole thing was infested with ants, as it had been sitting on a giant ant hill by the shed. Therefore, he was forced to take the whole thing apart and start all over again. Which he did.

He completed the new version the same day and I helped him haul it up onto the deck, nearly getting crushed in the move. Marin took an immediate liking to the finished product and Nellie did not...

...she chose to become a Lounge Dog instead.

Why won't she sleep in this lovely piece of work? We are stumped. However, we have taken the sympathetic route and have now decided to move the house even closer to our patio doors, in hopes that if Nellie has a clear view of us in our house, she'll be content to spend time in hers. We started with it here and moved it to the position above (for those who have been to our house) and will now move it beside the patio doors.

We spent an evening in St-Anne de Bellevue with our friends a few weeks ago. I have included a link to those who are interested in learning more about the oldest community in Montreals' West Island. It is a lovely community and FULL of people and tourists walking along the canal in the summer-time!

That is it for today. We are busy planning for our big European Trip in a few more weeks. Be prepared for a MAJOR blog once we return!
