Fathers Day

This is a photo of my Daddy on Vancouver Island, looking so relaxed and calm. (I took a picture of a picture, so it isn't the best quality.)
Fathers Day is one of the hardest days of the year for me. Not because I didn't have an amazing father, but because I don't have him anymore. I can honestly say he was The Best Dad in the World!
Over the last 4 years (and 5 months), I've remembered so many things... I was always afraid I'd forget everything after he died, but it feels like I'm remembering so much more. Lots of bits and pieces are coming back to me.
I remember the way he used to leave 1 1/2 Weetabix in a bowl on the kitchen table for me for breakfast, and the way he always brought me a glass of water while tucking me in for bed. He came outside with me, on the road in front of our house, and timed me for the 50 meter dash I would do at my school sports day.
I remember needing a smock, for painting, in Kindergarten or Grade 1. I got an old shirt of my Dad's to use and I clearly recall wishing that painting could happen all day long, just so I could wear my Dad's shirt.

This was in Powell River when my Dad stayed with Adam and I for 3 weeks, waiting for Calli to be born. He was trimming the tree in the front yard so it didn't crowd the walkway.
I used to help him put together satellite dishes, in the old days, when they were mesh and HUGE. We used to go to his customers houses and build the dishes and set up the receivers, running wires between the dish outside and up into the house. I remember travelling to various Northern BC towns with him in his fish truck. He used to brave the cold winters and sell fish on the weekends and he'd take us with him if we were lucky. We could count on our Dad for having some sort of "junk food" along...I remember chocolate macaroons on one trip. I think it was the first time I'd had them. These little things are the things a person never forgets. Stored away for whenever you need a little inspiration or a little pick me up.
My Dad was so kind and caring and helpful. He wasn't judgmental and he was always encouraging. Always telling me that I could be whatever I wanted to be in life. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. He loved us all unconditionally.

One of my favourite photos. He looks so sullen and sad, but we had a wonderful day together at Okeover Arm that day. Adam threw the crab trap in and we had dessert and tea at the Laughing Oyster together. I can still remember what he had and the smell of his tea...
When he first got sick, it never crossed my mind that he might not make it. This was my Dad we were talking about. Dad's don't die. Dad's are stronger than the strongest man in the world. Nothing could over-power my Dad. I held on to the hope that I would see him again right up until the news that he was gone really sunk in.
He stayed with me for a while after he was gone. I felt him whenever I needed him most and even when I didn't think I did, he was still there. I clearly remember when he "moved on." I am unsure how to describe this incident to anyone who hasn't experienced it. I just knew.
So even though I cannot physically say Happy Fathers Day to my Daddy, I have memories of my happy Father that I'll hold dearly in my heart forever. xxxxoooo

A very old photo of my Dad, camera around his neck (like father, like daughter) going up Grouse Mountain. He was very handsome!

Calli and Marin have the Best Dad in the World too. He is so involved in their lives and isn't afraid to get dirty and wrestle with them and turn around and play Barbies or paper dolls or My Little Pony with them. He tends to be a bit of a pushover and at the first sight of a tear, he caves in to their wishes! I think Marin figured this out in utero! She and Calli will no doubt have sports cars as soon as they turn 16, or whatever is in style by then.
It is apparent how much they love him from their reactions when he comes home from a stretch of days at work. I become invisible and Dad becomes the center of their Universe. It's really something else to observe!
Adam is amazing as a husband and a father. I am lucky to have him in my life and our daughters will continue to see the benefits of having him as their Dad, as they grow up. I can only hope that they will have the same sort of amazing relationship with their Dad in the future, as I did with mine in the past.

Adam helping Marin and Calli find wild strawberries, while on a quick break from riding our bikes. The trail was lined with hundreds of the plants!!
Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing Dad's out there. May you fully realize the value in being a great father, knowing that everything your children observe of you, they will take with them into their future as teens, adults and eventually parents.
I love you Daddy and I miss you....xo
I love you Adam and thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father....xoxoxoxo
I love you Daddy and I miss you....xo
I love you Adam and thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father....xoxoxoxo
I know your dad is watching down on you and misses you as much as you miss him!
The last Fathers Day we had together was in Powell River at the campsite, remember? Both Adam and Colin were there, you were pregnant. We had crab legs, wine, etc. Daddy was concerned if you and Adam were really ready to be parents, and did you realise the commitment needed.
Today, he would be so proud of BOTH of you, as I am. You are wonderful parents and as much as it gets frustrating sometimes, you both know how you feel when that little hand strokes your face,or you get a special hug........
You are a great Dad Adam and I am glad you enjoyed your special day.
Your post about your dad was so moving, I had to read it 2 - 3 times to actually get thru it as the tears flowed each time and I had to stop reading. I am so proud of you, it takes courage and strength to be able to write about, talk about and be open about your dad. Thanks for sharing your dearest memories and pictures of your dad on your blog.
Love and hugs to you!
Your Dad had such a quiet, dignified, charm. I didn't know him that well but I sure think often about how big the loss of him was in our now big extended family. Your sentiments about him and Adam were lovely to read.
Thanks. GF
I always thought you were lucky to have the father you had. He seemed like the ideal, who all fathers should strive to be like.
There are a few people whom I've known who have since passed away that I swear I see on the street every now and then. Your dad is one of those people. Maybe he's still around, just exploring the world that much more.
I don't think I've ever heard you talk about him until now. I remember wanting you to talk so badly after he was gone but you weren't ready. It's lovely to see you remembering and cherishing for all of us to see. You are a great caring and wonderful parent too, something your dad surely played a part in.
Love you,