Wild West Coast Holiday
We survived our annual Tofino Family Vacation. But it wasn't uneventful...
Here are the girls on the shuttle bus to the airport from the Employee Parking Lot. Marin was slightly confused by what we were doing, hence the look on her face...
The plane ride was good and the girls were well behaved as usual. We left in the evening this time, so the girls spent most of the flight asleep. Once in Vancouver, we rented a car and headed to the hotel for a bit of sleep. (I should mention that we were able to rent a gorgeous 2007 Volvo S60, which is the same car as the one we own, but 6 years newer and a tad bit peppier!!) Even though the time change is only 3 hours, it really does a number on us! The girls were up and ready to go by 6am!! We managed to get up and ready and out the door for a lovely breakfast with Denise.

After leaving her, we zipped out to Chilliwack to have a visit with Great Grandpa.

Marin was tired at the end of the night and ended up falling asleep about 5 minutes into her snuggle with Great Grandpa. He was tickled pink!!
We stopped along the way and picked up our cousin Jenny who came out with us for the afternoon.

Jenny has been a wealth of knowledge for dealing with Calli's curly hair, having dealt with the same thing all her life!
As an extra bonus, Grandma and Grandpa came down to see us too! So it was a house-full!!

Marin wasn't afraid to get her hands in the soapy water and help clean Grandpa and Grandmas car! She refused to use a rag and used her bare hand instead.
Grandma created a fantastic dinner for us and Peggy, Chantelle and Hannah (who happened to be nearby) came and joined us for supper. Calli and Marin were thrilled to see Hannah again and Marin called for Hannah for about 3 days afterwards! My Mum was on her way down to meet us for our trip and stopped in for supper as well.

Great Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa, Calli (with Mrs Giraffe who travels with Calli on long distance trips) and Marin saying Goodbye.
The next morning we got up early and after picking my Mum up in Abbotsford, we returned the rental car, had a quick visit with B and drove out to the ferry for our trip to Vancouver Island.

Calli, Adam and Marin on the ferry to Nanaimo. Marin was a bit taken aback by the wind saying "Windy, Windy, Windy."
Because we were ahead of schedule, we called ahead to the resort to see if they had our rooms available to us one night early. They didn't and we got to stay in a Villa for the first night. The Villa's were built 2 years ago and are very nice. They have room enough for 6 or more people and we enjoyed every minute of our stay.
Unfortunately, Marin got really sick during the night and threw up all day. The next day was worse...Adam, Calli and my Mom were all sick for the next 24 hours. I thought I might be safe, but I ended up getting it as well. As the rest of us got better, Calli kept throwing up for the next 3 days and couldn't keep anything down. While she stayed in bed and slept, we braved the rain and cold weather and took turns taking Marin out to the beach. Finally on the 4th day, we took Calli to the hospital. She was slightly dehydrated, but it was determined that it was some kind of bug and it would just have to take it's course. She eventually came around, with one more trip to the hospital in between. Poor kid.

This is my Mum and my brother navigating their way over the rocks as the tide is coming in. I thought it was a funny coincidence that the surfer in the background is heading into the water, as we were trying to stay out of it!! I should also mention that I jumped the rocks, avoided the water, took pictures and carried Marin (in my arms) across on my own!
Once we were feeling better, we were able to go out and eat and enjoy the best of the West Coast menus. One of my favourite spots to go is the Wickaninnish Interpretive Center. They have a fantastic restaurant and the view is breathtaking. Wickaninnish Beach stretches out for miles and is along the Long Beach that you see in all the pictures of Tofino.
My delicious appetizer of candied salmon, smoked salmon and lachs, with organic salad and some crispy fried biscuit.

My little girl feeling well enough to eat a bit of cheesecake. Her Dad helped her and managed to clear most of the plate...
My brother joined us part way through our holiday and my Mum, my family and my brother all had about 5 days together, before Adam had to head back to Montreal to work. Once Adam left, unfortunately for him, the sun came out and stayed the entire duration of our visit. We took the girls exploring and Calli had a heyday sticking her fingers in the sea anemone's and having them close up on her. Marin thought the starfish were pretty cool. Most of them are stuck to the rocks with all 5 legs, so I'm not sure what this one was doing!
We climbed up a small hill called Sunset Point, aptly named, and took in the view. Even though it was sunny, it was NOT warm. Some of my Dad's ashes are scattered up on Sunset Point by our favourite bench and we spent a fair amount of time sitting up there "chatting" with him and watching the surfers on Cox Bay.
Colin, Calli and Marin sitting atop Sunset Point on the outermost bench. In the background is North and South Chesterman Beach and a little bit of Rosie Bay on the right. With the tide out, it's possible to walk along Chesterman Beach and explore Frank Island.
This is the view from our room for 2 weeks. The girls spent a lot of time picking tiny little daisies from the grounds. Marin had a few naps in my arms on the bench on the right hand side.
My Mum bought the girls a fantastic kite. For only $3.00 this kite was amazing!! Calli enjoyed flying it and running along the beach getting it up in the air.
Marin even had a go and once she'd had enough, she let go of the handle!!! If I had been quicker, I would have had footage of Adam chasing the kite down the beach as fast as he could run! It was very funny!
Adam, Calli, Marin and I all went whale watching one afternoon. We'd tried going the day before but we would have been the only passengers. We tried again that afternoon, but a storm had come and the water was too rough. By the next morning, we were able to head out to open water!

We saw a few small pods of Humpback whales, some sea lions, bald eagles and some very beautiful seaside houses...I could definitely live in Tofino for the rest of my life. Marin and Calli both saw the whales and I got a few shots of the whales breaching, but I was holding onto Marin for dear life and couldn't get anything spectacular. You'll just have to take my word that it was amazing!
This was on another visit to the Wickanninish Interpretive Center. My beautiful girls.
Our friend Krista lives in Ucluelet and we were able to spend a few hours with her at her house. She gave us a tour of her property and is lucky enough to have a lot of this beautiful old forest surrounding her.
One morning Colin, Calli and I walked the length of the beach with Marin in the stroller. Calli isn't a fan of long distance walking, but has been doing some lengthy hikes at home, so I figured I'd give it a chance. She made it all the way to the end and back! I had to give her a search project on the way back when she started complaining, but she made it! I also promised her that Granny would take her out for ice cream. There's nothing like having a little leverage!
Colin and Calli
In the background on the farthest left side is where our resort is located. We were already on our way back here.
We hit up a fish store one afternoon to buy a mix of seafood for a feast. We had the most delicious meal of fresh halibut BBQ'd in tin foil with a bit of garlic butter, prawns simmered in a wine, butter and garlic sauce, smoked salmon, chicken for the girls and I and steak for my Mum, Colin and Adam. We also bought 2 live crabs and had to keep them in the tub for a little while until it was time... The girls thought it was pretty cool to have live snappy crabs in there. Adam got a bit carried away and had his finger pinched and one of the Barbies nearly ended up with an amputated hand...I think Adam has photographic evidence of this.

We went out for a fancy dinner at the Long Beach Lodge one evening. We haven't had a bad meal yet. On the left is Herb rubbed free run chicken breast ~ root vegetable ratatouille, charred red pepper jus. In the middle is Pepper grilled beef tenderloin ~ pommes frites, arugula greens, wild mushroom ragout. On the right is Roasted free run duck breast ~ roasted yam mash, caramalized beets, grand marnier jus. All of it was delicious. So delicious.

All good things must come to an end. Adam left about 3 days before the rest of us. My Mum, the girls and I dropped my brother off in Comox, then raced to the ferry in Nanaimo for the ferry ride back to the mainland. We spent the night in Vancouver, shopped the next day, had a nice supper with Denise out in Steveston on Mothers Day and then the girls and I flew back to Montreal the next morning. Adam was waiting for us in the airport with a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips for me. Calli and Marin bought me a spectacular pair of silver sand dollar earrings in Tofino and at the end of the night, they both told me they loved me. It was a perfect ending to a wonderful family holiday.
Thank you Colin for all your help with the girls and everything else and thank you to my Mummy for such a lovely visit.

The plane ride was good and the girls were well behaved as usual. We left in the evening this time, so the girls spent most of the flight asleep. Once in Vancouver, we rented a car and headed to the hotel for a bit of sleep. (I should mention that we were able to rent a gorgeous 2007 Volvo S60, which is the same car as the one we own, but 6 years newer and a tad bit peppier!!) Even though the time change is only 3 hours, it really does a number on us! The girls were up and ready to go by 6am!! We managed to get up and ready and out the door for a lovely breakfast with Denise.

After leaving her, we zipped out to Chilliwack to have a visit with Great Grandpa.

Marin was tired at the end of the night and ended up falling asleep about 5 minutes into her snuggle with Great Grandpa. He was tickled pink!!
We stopped along the way and picked up our cousin Jenny who came out with us for the afternoon.

Jenny has been a wealth of knowledge for dealing with Calli's curly hair, having dealt with the same thing all her life!

Marin wasn't afraid to get her hands in the soapy water and help clean Grandpa and Grandmas car! She refused to use a rag and used her bare hand instead.
Grandma created a fantastic dinner for us and Peggy, Chantelle and Hannah (who happened to be nearby) came and joined us for supper. Calli and Marin were thrilled to see Hannah again and Marin called for Hannah for about 3 days afterwards! My Mum was on her way down to meet us for our trip and stopped in for supper as well.

Great Grandpa, Grandma, Grandpa, Calli (with Mrs Giraffe who travels with Calli on long distance trips) and Marin saying Goodbye.
The next morning we got up early and after picking my Mum up in Abbotsford, we returned the rental car, had a quick visit with B and drove out to the ferry for our trip to Vancouver Island.

Calli, Adam and Marin on the ferry to Nanaimo. Marin was a bit taken aback by the wind saying "Windy, Windy, Windy."
Because we were ahead of schedule, we called ahead to the resort to see if they had our rooms available to us one night early. They didn't and we got to stay in a Villa for the first night. The Villa's were built 2 years ago and are very nice. They have room enough for 6 or more people and we enjoyed every minute of our stay.
Unfortunately, Marin got really sick during the night and threw up all day. The next day was worse...Adam, Calli and my Mom were all sick for the next 24 hours. I thought I might be safe, but I ended up getting it as well. As the rest of us got better, Calli kept throwing up for the next 3 days and couldn't keep anything down. While she stayed in bed and slept, we braved the rain and cold weather and took turns taking Marin out to the beach. Finally on the 4th day, we took Calli to the hospital. She was slightly dehydrated, but it was determined that it was some kind of bug and it would just have to take it's course. She eventually came around, with one more trip to the hospital in between. Poor kid.

This is my Mum and my brother navigating their way over the rocks as the tide is coming in. I thought it was a funny coincidence that the surfer in the background is heading into the water, as we were trying to stay out of it!! I should also mention that I jumped the rocks, avoided the water, took pictures and carried Marin (in my arms) across on my own!
Once we were feeling better, we were able to go out and eat and enjoy the best of the West Coast menus. One of my favourite spots to go is the Wickaninnish Interpretive Center. They have a fantastic restaurant and the view is breathtaking. Wickaninnish Beach stretches out for miles and is along the Long Beach that you see in all the pictures of Tofino.
My delicious appetizer of candied salmon, smoked salmon and lachs, with organic salad and some crispy fried biscuit.

My little girl feeling well enough to eat a bit of cheesecake. Her Dad helped her and managed to clear most of the plate...
My brother joined us part way through our holiday and my Mum, my family and my brother all had about 5 days together, before Adam had to head back to Montreal to work. Once Adam left, unfortunately for him, the sun came out and stayed the entire duration of our visit. We took the girls exploring and Calli had a heyday sticking her fingers in the sea anemone's and having them close up on her. Marin thought the starfish were pretty cool. Most of them are stuck to the rocks with all 5 legs, so I'm not sure what this one was doing!

My Mum bought the girls a fantastic kite. For only $3.00 this kite was amazing!! Calli enjoyed flying it and running along the beach getting it up in the air.
Marin even had a go and once she'd had enough, she let go of the handle!!! If I had been quicker, I would have had footage of Adam chasing the kite down the beach as fast as he could run! It was very funny!
Adam, Calli, Marin and I all went whale watching one afternoon. We'd tried going the day before but we would have been the only passengers. We tried again that afternoon, but a storm had come and the water was too rough. By the next morning, we were able to head out to open water!

We saw a few small pods of Humpback whales, some sea lions, bald eagles and some very beautiful seaside houses...I could definitely live in Tofino for the rest of my life. Marin and Calli both saw the whales and I got a few shots of the whales breaching, but I was holding onto Marin for dear life and couldn't get anything spectacular. You'll just have to take my word that it was amazing!
This was on another visit to the Wickanninish Interpretive Center. My beautiful girls.

One morning Colin, Calli and I walked the length of the beach with Marin in the stroller. Calli isn't a fan of long distance walking, but has been doing some lengthy hikes at home, so I figured I'd give it a chance. She made it all the way to the end and back! I had to give her a search project on the way back when she started complaining, but she made it! I also promised her that Granny would take her out for ice cream. There's nothing like having a little leverage!

In the background on the farthest left side is where our resort is located. We were already on our way back here.
We hit up a fish store one afternoon to buy a mix of seafood for a feast. We had the most delicious meal of fresh halibut BBQ'd in tin foil with a bit of garlic butter, prawns simmered in a wine, butter and garlic sauce, smoked salmon, chicken for the girls and I and steak for my Mum, Colin and Adam. We also bought 2 live crabs and had to keep them in the tub for a little while until it was time... The girls thought it was pretty cool to have live snappy crabs in there. Adam got a bit carried away and had his finger pinched and one of the Barbies nearly ended up with an amputated hand...I think Adam has photographic evidence of this.

We went out for a fancy dinner at the Long Beach Lodge one evening. We haven't had a bad meal yet. On the left is Herb rubbed free run chicken breast ~ root vegetable ratatouille, charred red pepper jus. In the middle is Pepper grilled beef tenderloin ~ pommes frites, arugula greens, wild mushroom ragout. On the right is Roasted free run duck breast ~ roasted yam mash, caramalized beets, grand marnier jus. All of it was delicious. So delicious.

All good things must come to an end. Adam left about 3 days before the rest of us. My Mum, the girls and I dropped my brother off in Comox, then raced to the ferry in Nanaimo for the ferry ride back to the mainland. We spent the night in Vancouver, shopped the next day, had a nice supper with Denise out in Steveston on Mothers Day and then the girls and I flew back to Montreal the next morning. Adam was waiting for us in the airport with a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips for me. Calli and Marin bought me a spectacular pair of silver sand dollar earrings in Tofino and at the end of the night, they both told me they loved me. It was a perfect ending to a wonderful family holiday.
Thank you Colin for all your help with the girls and everything else and thank you to my Mummy for such a lovely visit.
Great pictures Bean. That view from our rooms says it all.
Did you get any photos of the devasation in Stanley Park, which was far worse than we both imagined?
Til next year..........
I also left out the debit card stealing issue so I didn't have to put more of a damper on our wonderful holiday. I might have been saving that story for the People Are Assholes post I was thinking about writing....
Sorry to hear about your mamma... people are assholes, and I would love to read that blog page (I definately would have a few comments for that).
Hope your are back in the swing of everyday life at home.
It was pretty funny, but of course he got his revenge with that boiling pot of hot water!